Here is my honest take on the state of the election and everything that has come afterward:

Yes, there was fraud and yes it was widespread. This was obvious on election night. Numerous states including AZ, MI, WI, VA, GA, and PA all mysteriously stopped reporting and /1
counting votes at roughly the same time. When was this? Right after Fox News magically called AZ with lots of the vote left outstanding and nowhere near being truly callable that evening. Then when most, if not all, of the partisan observers left for the evening, a small /2
skeleton crew started counting and tabulating the votes once again. What did they do? We don't know because there were no observers there. Did they run ballots through multiple times? We've seen footage from GA that appears to be the case, but no one was physically there /3
to corroborate this one way or the other. We have multiple affidavits that describe lots of troubling issues in multiple states. And let's not forget that most of these election laws were changed by executive or judicial fiat, which is strictly against the constitution. /4
Do I believe there is enough there that it would flip the presidential election and potentially some down ballot ones too? In my gut, I do believe that, but not because of some Dominion conspiracy. You don't need to go down that rabbit hole. Signature verification alone /5
would get you to that threshold. I do however believe that there is a widespread conspiracy, for lack of a better term, against @realDonaldTrump from everyone on both sides of the aisle. They're a club and he wasn't invited, so they used him for their own purposes: /6
tax cuts for corporations, pro-corporatist judges, repealing one tiny aspect of Obamacare without replacing anything. The list goes on from there. His presidency has been a way to pay back their donor base while hoodwinking the man who genuinely wanted to get along with /7
folks and make common sense deals for the American people. This was their opportunity to finally get rid of him in a way that wouldn't necessarily blow back onto the Republican elite; however, they were very sloppy and it's all out in the open now for everyone to see. /8
Do I believe that Trump will ultimately retain the presidency? No. I'm sorry to say that is not in the cards. It's been very apparent to me that since election night, the writing has been on the wall. No court wants to touch it with a ten foot poll. State legislators are /9
cowardly holding mock hearings to feign outrage while punting it to the courts or to Congress. SCOTUS was never going to touch any case because the justices were fearful of the mob and hoping that the Senate can remain R controlled to ensure there would be no court packing /10
and gov't could continue to grow and #AmericaFirst would go the way of the Dodo bird. Congress is not going to do anything. This will look exactly like 2000 or 2016. There will be a few "hot heads" as the media will call them on the House side that will object but /11
Mitch has basically warned his caucus not to sign on to anything. And let's be clear. Even if they did, the House would just vote to certify the Biden electors. So what do I think this is all about now? /12
I think @realDonaldTrump is trying to highlight just how far and wide all of this corruption goes within both parties. He is genuinely shocked that Republican legislators and governors are not backing him up. He knows it was stolen from him, but he also knows there really /13
is nothing left for him to possibly do to retain the presidency. So the only thing left is to undermine the incoming Biden administration, just like they did to him. He will utilize the report @DNI_Ratcliffe will provide to him to show there was foreign influence (China) /14
in this election and that coupled with the fraud that is pretty blatant to everyone, will cast a very LONG shadow over Biden. And let's not forget #SpecialCounsel Durham will still be around. All of this is going to add up to a very frustrating four years for Biden. /15
They will more than likely lose the House majority in 2022 and if we don't retain the Senate (which we absolutely NEED to retain) then we will win that back or maintain a majority. The point will be that a return to "normal" will get the forgotten men and women more and more /16
angry and frustrated and will lead the way back to a 2024 Trump election victory. Guaranteed? No, but it does seem very possible. The only thing is will the @gop learn the lesson? History tells us probably not. The @gop are stupid and never learn. Bushism is DEAD! /END
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