The ER vs The EST match thread
The biggest match of Bianca’s career against the longEST reigning SD women champion.

*highlighting her performance at the 2020 Rumble*
Bianca with her athleticism vs Bayley with experience+ cheating

Stomping on each other feet 😂

Commentary playing up that despite everything Bayley accomplished this year, now everyone wants to buzz about Bianca.
Bianca with THE athleticism and taunting! No one does it better!
Goes for the handspring moonsault but Bayley has that scouted; going after Bianca’s arm.
“I’m the ER! I’m better!”

Bianca giving Bayley those hands, shoulder thrusts in the corner, squatting vertical suplex, pulling at Bayley arm and finally hitting her handspring moonsault. Bayley still kicks out
Bayley avoids Bianca but got caught with a backbreaker into a gutbuster! Bayley kicks out. Bianca bout to go for a 450 but Bayley had that scouted; does her own squatting with ropes. Bianca reverses with a suplex! They send each other into the turnbuckle
Bianca hits a spinebuster but still not enough to put Bayley away. Bayley continues to cheat using the ropes but the ref caught her. Bianca reverses with her own pin. Counters into pin setting up Bianca potentially powerbombing or alley oop on Bayley but Bayley cheats to win.
This match was so good and only scratched the surface of what they could do together. It was a “anything you can do, I can do better”. Playing up Bianca’s inexperience and this match being her biggest challenge and Bayley having to cheat against Bianca.
The finish did multiple things:
-gives Bayley more ammunition to be loud about her win. Her character work is amazing
-gives more reason to do another match and Bianca being more ready next time
-it makes their feud from gear one to the next level between them
They have so much chemistry. Bayley is THE rival of Bianca. In ring, banter/social media game, segments, etc. She going toe to toe with Bianca and it’s been excellent. Imagine what they can do in the next couple weeks

My favorite parts of the match:
The point IS... the bettER woman won! Bayley dancing to Bianca theme is content 😆
That’s the thread to the bEST women feud in wrestling right now. Enjoy !
You can follow @PettiESTBoss.
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