Now that I'm not drunk I can rant less obnoxiously.

I still don't like Mullen. This season is probably the ceiling for what Florida can accomplish under him. He's a good but not great head coach. I understand where Florida was under McElwain.
Florida got to the SEC Title game twice under McElwain, despite how bad the offense was. And I'm not saying to fire Dan, I sure as hell I'm not saying I like McElwain, but I'm trying to provide some context here.
McElwain and Mullen might as well be equal recruiters and based off what McElwain was building prior to him getting fired it's arguable that McElwain was the superior recruiter of the two.
And all Florida did was swap a terrible offense and great defense under McElwain for a great offense and terrible defense under Dan. And while I trust that we'll never have a 4 win season under Dan, I also trust he'll never win Florida a championship, SEC or national.
With Dan, the issue is he surrounds himself with ridiculously average assistants. This team doesn't have a single assistant that you can argue is elite at anything. Recruiting or development. I'll look at the main assistants now.
Johnson is the hot name right now of all the assistants on the team but I can't figure out if he's actually a great developer of QBs and a great O mind or if he's simply just benefitting from sharing the same duties as Mullen.
Brewster is too early into his time at UF to really know what he offers. I'm sure as hell not ready to crown Pitts success as a player to Brewster and many consider him the best recruiter on the team but I don't think we'll see this pay off for another year.
Hevesy. He needs to go. I'm not a fan of how he recruits the OL position nor how he develops it. He's been here for 3 years and the rushing ranks for UF have been:


Basically the further away we get from McElwains OL & RBs the worst the rushing game gets.
The only thing the OL does remotely well is pass block and that's still not technically something they are great at, it's just that if you looked at Florida running the ball and pass blocking you'd say pass pro is the strength of the two. Nothing to brag about. Fire him.
Gonzalez. Good recruiter and I can't say the WRs are a problem worth focusing on. Toney has made huge strides as an actual WR this year, Grimes has gotten better. Have no problem keeping him around.
Knox. Fire him. The special teams are just average as average gets and I feel like McPherson has regressed this year. I'm not sure if Evan not being this truly elite level accurate kicker is on Knox but he's the ST coach so I'm pinning all ST issues on him.elite-level
The RBs are fine. I guess. It's tough to say because of how horrendous the OL is at run blocking but I haven't got the sense that any one of the RBs under Knox has ever shown noticeably large progressions as a player. And lastly, he's not a good recruiter. See ya bye.
Ron English. Goodness, he should have been fired a year ago. He does nothing worth talking about. He's the worst recruiter on the team and the safeties have made unbelievably large regressions under him. David, Stewart and Stiner are all just awful football players. Fire him.
Torrian Gray. Fire him. There was this idea that Gray would step in and the corners would make massive jumps under him. I'd argue the opposite has happened. Elam is the only one you can truly say he been good this year, the rest of the corners on this team are average to bad.
Dean was a great freshman corner who lost playing time a year ago and played even fewer snaps this year. Marco went from phenomenal for a freshman to the worst player on the defense. Kimbrough and Hill have just run in place. I don't care what Gray does as a recruiter, fire him.
David Turner, good recruiter, ok coach. I didn't really notice any massive progress from the DL this year. They were the strongest part of a bad defense but I still would not say this team has a great defensive line. Doesn't need to be fired but you can easily upgrade over him.
CRob. I feel like he's the most overrated assistant on the team. People in this fan base treat him like he's an elite recruiter. He isn't. People treat him like he's an elite coach. He isn't. What about this team's linebacker play screams elite?
Our linebackers routinely hit the wrong gap against the run, struggle to know where to line up, can't seem to figure out what leverage they should take on wide runs which lead to long rushes by the opposing team. None of them are good in coverage. Miss tackles left and right.
He's a good recruiter, but this elite talk is nonsense. 247 didn't have him in the top 25 recruiters for the SEC alone last year, this year 247 only has him as the 12th best recruiter in his own conference, so outside of the top 25 nationally. He's not elite. At anything.
So while I wouldn't say to fire CRob, he's another guy I think you can upgrade over without much of an issue. Specifically in terms of on-field development which he's clearly not good at all at doing.
So you look at all these assistants under Dan and I don't see a single guy elite at any one particular thing. That's a problem. Florida optimists try hard to say recruiting rankings don't matter. They do. History doesn't lie.
The history says you need either a top 5 recruiting class or a 5 star QB on your roster to win a championship. Florida has neither. Florida currently sits 10th in recruiting and likely will stay out of the top 10 come NSD in Feb of 2021. Recruiting matters and this staff aint it.
You combine a staff that will pull in a recruiting class that will average in the 8-12 range with a staff that doesn't have any truly elite developers except for the QB spot and it creates a problem.
That problem is Florida's ceiling is getting to the SECCG every 3-4 yrs, losing it to Bama or LSU and then playing in a NY6 bowl, something that Florida fans have more or less decided is such a sweet accomplishment that losing championship games isn't that bad.
Why should we care that we routinely lose to Alabama or LSU if it equates to playing in an illustrious NY6 bowl? Fuck championships, we have an offense that's fun to watch so even if Mullen is accomplishing nothing that truly matters, just winning 10 + a bowl win is awesome!
Gee. I.....I wonder what this reminds me of. Hmmm. As a resident of Atlanta, Ga, as someone who has been surrounded by Georgia fans his whole adult life it's starting to really look like Dan Mullen and Florida is the new Mark Richt and Georgia. How depressing.
You know what the #1 complaint from MSU fans was about Mullen? They tired of watching MSU win the games he should win while losing the ones he should lose. On on a random year he'd pull off an upset but then lose a game he should win.
This happened this year, by the way. Florida should have lost to Georgia. Georgia has significantly more talent and frankly if Daniels started Florida would have lost that game. But I guess you can say we upset Georgia? It's just, Florida turned around and lost to LSU.
I'll end it here shortly. Dan isn't this elite masterful play-caller that so many Florida fans think he is. He overthinks way too many plays a game. His obsession with developing the run game is infuriating. His reliance on trying to "trick" teams with the wrong players sucks
For instance, why is he running a read-option with Trask? Why are you running consecutive QB dives into a pile with Trask? That's not Trasks game. He isn't Tebow. But don't tell that to Mullen. He HAS to out think you with this kind of ridiculous garbage.
His obsession with WR screens can be infuriating. Earlier in the year Florida goes for it on 4th and manageable from Alabamas side of the field, yesterday he kicks a FG. There is no consistency to this mad man's aggressiveness. He either is or isn't.
But truly? I think deep down I want to believe that Mullen is good enough to win Florida a title, but this all hinges on him significantly improving coaching on this football team. And that's something I am strongly of the belief he will never, ever do.
Dan is, ultimately, a coward. He wants friends, he wants yes men. Dan is an arrogant know it all who thinks you could pick his mind and write down all the football knowledge and it would be the encyclopedia of football.
You can't question Dan on anything. A week ago against LSU he kept mentioning yards instead of points. He wanted you to know his offense was elite at moving the ball but losing to LSU? Who cares about points, THE O WAS WORKING, LOOK AT THE YARDS!
So even if we get lucky to some kind of news in the next 48 hours that results in Dan firing Grantham, do you really, truly trust this man to properly replace him? You shouldn't. Look at the assistants on this team. Stop blindly trusting coaches. Dan will fail here.
You think of all the elite defensive minds in CFB and you convince yourself that Florida has the money to pay them to come here. Mullen is looking for that assistant he worked with years ago who will do as Dan begs. Can he recruit? Who cares. Be Dans yes man and he's happy.
Florida isn't about to go out and hire a Brent Venables, they're about to go out and hire a smaller name that Florida fans will spend all off-season convincing themselves is the answer because "trust dan" when we shouldn't trust Dan.
That's it. That's my rant.

You could say I should enjoy what happened to Floria this year but I'm not currently enjoying this ride. Strong chance Florida ends up 8-4. This team went from 8-1 to 8-3 because of poor coaching and we lose A LOT of players next year.
And considering who we lose from this years team, looking at next year, 8-4 is probably the ceiling. Especially with this staff that Dan will never focus on upgrading.
Sorry for the grammar errors. Some of this was me not catching autocorrect, and some of it was sometimes my autocorrect tells me to fix a word and I hit the word to get fixed but it places the fixed word in a weird spot. Some of it is just laziness.
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