"Watch the Water", "We have more than we know" and "We are in control" are things we keep hearing and reading. What if that is all true? There are huge changes coming our way. We have been programmed (think we are in a movie) to think, act, and behave in certain ways. What if I
2) told you that the move into the Age of Aquarius changes all that would you believe me? It is all true. We are moving into an Age where we lose the programming and become free thinkers and doers. We become “enlightened” beings instead of “programmed” humans. So, lets delve
3) into the how and why of this awakening.
It has been about 800 years since the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn into the house of Aquarius. First let us talk about what happened 800 years ago when this last happened. So, step into my way back machine and let us travel back
4) in time. It was the beginning of the Renaissance period. A period known for rebirth. It happened after the chaotic and bloody period of the Middle Ages. Hmmm, does that sound like a time we could be experiencing now? The Renaissance was a time of social changes. A time of
5) political and economic rebirth. Do you notice how the word “rebirth” keeps coming up? Ever hear the saying, “History repeats itself”?
So, what in the heck is happening? We are moving into the Age of Aquarius. Let us begin by talking about Aquarius. Aquarius is an air
6) sign which are all about action, ideas, and motion. So basically, “winds of change”. Aquarius is called the water-bearer. It is a boy/man pouring water (think wisdom) out of a pitcher. The myth goes that the King of Gods, Zeus, fell in love with the boy and whisked him
7) away to the heavens (think ascension) where he served as the cupbearer to the gods. He was then both human and divine. Think about Aquarius as pouring wisdom onto the world. It is to open our minds to the fact that the Great Awakening is about understanding that we are both
8) human and divine (see told you it was Biblical). It is about the expansion of consciousness (raising vibrations). It is about technological advances, exploring innovations, and openness.
9) So now we talk about the planets entering the house of Aquarius and what it all means. First up is Saturn. We have long thought of Saturn as the planet of chaos. It has been while it has been living in the house of Capricorn. Now it is moving in the house of Aquarius and
10) Aquarius will not put up with the chaos. Aquarius is a strong ruler and runs a tight ship so it will whip Saturn into shape. Saturn will be the planet of accountability and “tough love”. It will encourage us to push through obstacles so that we can grow in meaningful and
11) spiritual ways. Now that it is the house of Aquarius it will shake things up. It will rewrite the rules and change the world to a place we all want to live in. Told you Aquarius was going to make Saturn behave.
12) Now to Jupiter. Jupiter is known as the planet of luck. Moving into the house of Aquarius it will bring expansion, growth, luck, and optimism. Jupiter brings in wisdom, justice, gratitude, and it governs divine law.
13) What does this all mean for humanity. First, we have been living in a world of duality…. good vs evil. It is now combining at a higher vibration. This is why it has been so important for the planet to raise its collective vibrations. We are moving into a time where it
14) isn’t’ about duality, but about being in the moment. We get to awake to our other half… our divine self. Think for a moment about our current movement. Good vs. evil, Republicans vs Democrats, People vs. Big Tech, People vs. Government. Now imagine a world without all
15) that. A world where we live in peace and harmony with everyone. That is the Age of Aquarius!
What do we need to do right at this moment in time to help bring in this amazing period of time? LET GO OF ALL FEAR! That means stop worrying and putting all your energy into
16) trying to solve all the puzzles and mysteries going on right now. Stop trying to figure out what is in the vaccines (not like you are going to take it anyway). Stop worrying about COVID, masks, lockdowns, NOW, DS, FF, Cabal, Cern, AI, and so many other things. These are
17) created to divide us and keep us vibrating at lower levels. If we continue this path, we will not be able to reap the benefits of the Age of Aquarius. That is what THEY want! They (the dark side/evil) want the planet to remain the way it is so they can continue living in
18) the dark. Our planet/world needs us over the next 48 hours more than it ever has!
What can you do to save the world? Let go of the fear. That is the most single important thing you can do right now. We need to be sending out good vibes and love to the world. Think happy
19) thoughts. Think about love and peace for everyone. We get back what we put out in the world with our thoughts. We have the power to change things with just our thoughts. If you put out fear and negative, then that is what we will all reap, and you will get back. Remember
20) in the Bible it talks about the 144,000? Well right now God needs 144,000 to raise their vibrations to usher in the light. We need at least 144,000 people to let go of the fear and think positive thoughts. We need to send out the thoughts of peace and love. If we do
21) this, we will help to flip the switch from dark to light. We will bring peace and love to the world. We will push out the duality and programming we have been living under. We can finally ascend and gain the knowledge of our divine self.
22) The next 48 hours are the most crucial moment of our lives so far. So here are the big questions… Will you choose to be one of the 144,000 or will you choose to let the fear, hate, and negative thoughts keep you here living in the same world you are in right now? Will you
23) choose to be a part to save the world or left behind? God gave us all free will so now you have to use that choice of free will and decide what you will do. The choice is yours. I hope to see you on the other side in the new world of peace and love because I have made my
24) choice. I choose to be a part of the 144,000. I hope you do to. @threadreaderapp unroll.
You can follow @PatriotSpeedy20.
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