1/4 So we're waiting for an imminent US vote to pass a stimulus bill of almost $1trillion. UK, US & EU lockdowns continuing over the Christmas festive period. It'll be a year or more of total disruption to trade and commerce. The consequences in coming years will be MASSIVE...
2/4 I think we're witnessing the death of our current financial system. Gold, silver commodities and, as far as I can tell (although I'm not an expert), cryptos. will appreciate very steeply. I'm thinking I may need to reconsider long-term targets for PM's - or certainly...
3/4 keep a very open mind. I recall looking at my charts years ago and thinking 'what the hell is going to cause my forecast to come true ?' I didn't know the answer, but I felt a sense of fear/trepidation. For PMs to reach the levels I expect, the world is going to ...
4/4 experience great suffering. As an investor it's great to see your portfolio appreciate, but there's a 'cost' associated with that. Be careful what you wish for, as they say...
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