We covered a lot of ground this year in @Slate's Source Notes column about @Wikipedia and internet knowledge. Here is my list of five stories that I'm proud of from 2020 paired with articles that I enjoyed from other writers. https://stephenharrison.substack.com/p/2020-year-in-review-and-update-on
4/ The quirkiest story of the year: An American teenager who did not speak Scots wrote most of the Scots Wikipedia entries. When the truth was revealed, Wikipedians needed to figure out how to fix it. Featuring @Cobradile94 https://slate.com/technology/2020/09/scots-wikipedia-language-american-teenager.html
7 and FINAL/ My Wikipedia inspired novel Infodemic is currently in the 2020 manuscript contest through @Inkshares. If the subject matter interests you, I would appreciate it if you would give it a follow and check out the free sample chapters. 🙏 https://www.inkshares.com/books/infodemic 
With special thanks to @thekibosch, @jaimealyse, & the rest of the team @FutureTenseNow.
You can follow @harrisonstephen.
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