We're going to stay on this hill:

There are so many REAL mutual aid groups, commissary funds, individual fundraisers, and *non-grant-funded* revolutionary groups and orgs out there.

Let the rich liberals donate to the NPIC. We need to support and trust the ones on the ground.
It's not a dig against every registered 501c3, or people who work with them. It's just a fact that those orgs will get money from the sort of people who will never Venmo $$$ to a commissary fund they saw on twitter.
Give to groups setting up tables of free masks, handwarmers, and hot food.

Donate to groups putting money directly on commissary books.

Support one-off fundraisers for people just getting home.

Bail funds who don't union bust and drain money away from their function.
And if you can try and help these comrades get money from somewhere other than twitter because this well is going to get drier and drier.
Here is a Pittsburgh commissary fund that needs help: https://twitter.com/jailbreakpgh/status/1332384392178782208?s=20
Commissary fund helping so many of our comrades out: https://twitter.com/nu_abolition/status/1278760705295089665?s=20
Comrades in Chicago serving the people: https://twitter.com/FTP_Chicago/status/1340397782356639744?s=20
More Chicago work needing cash: https://twitter.com/NC_PLWC/status/1340679146842841088?s=20
Support Black trans people, trying to get set up and stable after being locked up: https://twitter.com/schlemieli/status/1340399139440496641?s=20
You can follow @studyabolition.
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