My thoughts on Christmas lockdown thread👇
1. The situation in hospitals and with regards to community transmission are now truly dire in S. Wales. I think this means the lockdown is justified.
2. What wasn't justified was the firebreak and the needless strictness of restrictions over the summer. This has worn us all down and highlighted some ridiculous inconsistencies. The public are fatigued. Lockdown should've been the last resort. It has been hugely overused.
3. The blanket restrictions to move to Tier 4 seem a bit ridiculous. The situation is different in North Wales. This undermines the government's tier system.
4. Hospital transmissions are my biggest worry. I don't understand why the WG is forcing teachers to conduct rapid testing in the new year. Whilst no mention of hospitals. We should be testing staff, visitors and patients at the minimum when they enter hospital.
5. I think there is unwarranted criticism of many people taking their last opportunity to go shopping for Christmas/travelling to families. These are understandable reactions and I am not sure how you can mitigate against this.
6. There should have been more pitch rolling from both UK and Welsh Gov.
7. Quite frankly some of the reactions from politicians of all colours have been kneejerk, needlessly partisan and lacking thought.
8. Finally worth stating that Christmas is going to difficult for some and that I hope everyone will reach out to friends/family that will now be spending Christmas alone and at the very least let them know you are there for a chat. It's very important.
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