This #M4A strategy debate is between populists vs insiders. Populists are ready to flex power and to help channel people’s rage and frustration because they understand the urgency. Insiders (& insider wannabes) go slow and measured & see themselves as the experts/professionals...
...We actually need ppl acting in both roles to move policy like #M4A. But professionals (& those inclined to follow their lead vs lead of populists) are not respecting need of populists to push. Being mired in insider strategy easily causes you to lose track of urgency...
...And also easily causes you to be arrogant (“you don’t understand what we are doing here getting committee appointments”, “don’t be impatient”, “don’t be angry”) instead of getting defensive they should be ready to seize opportunities like this...
...True Dore’s style is part of what led to defensiveness but a) it’s his act, he’s a performer, don’t be such a pearl clutcher & b) he’s characterizing how angry people are. (Btw bizness abt his fancy house is meant to undermine whether he’s a legit rep for wking class anger)...
...But fact is, those are his roots & he’s popular bcuz his anger is expression of what so many feel rn. And it is helpful to keep insider feet to fire. The appropriate response from politicians on our side is never “tsk tsk, we are doing governance over here, settle down”...
...When spark like this whole thing erupts IF we have ppl on our side in gov/professional NGOs they should b trying to figure out how to use it to jumpstart inside pressure. If they fail to see spark for what it is they are either a)dense due to being mired in insider politics...
...Or b) coopted and not actually on our side.

These moments can give us all clarity to see this, and them clarity to shake their insider cobwebs (because that DC shit does eat your soul and periodic soul checking is needed for those trying to play that insider game)...
...So that’s what we should be figuring out right now. Is there anyone on our side inside Congress? I thought yes, but they need to hurry up and prove it by capitalizing on this moment and showing us some leadership. I’m sure they are just as exhausted from this year as we are...
...And maybe they are holding those discussions right now, with the professional orgs that work on #M4A, which would be appropriate.

But if instead they are just hoping this shit just blows over so they can get back to the slow plan of #M4A someday instead of actually ASAP...
... and if they AREN’T figuring out how to seize this moment rn, then those of us on outside need to come to terms with fact that we don’t have leadership in DC like we thought. And that’s a real pain in the ass & setback, and we are gonna have to figure out what to do about it
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