"Don't marry from an immoral home", if this statement means, "Don't marry an immoral person" then it's in line with the advice of Rasool (s.a.w) & therefore no sane Muslim, has any issue with it. But please let's not extend it beyond the above stated meaning or along that line.
To extend it beyond that or so, to the household in total, neglecting the person you're marrying, citing some baseless local excuses, is just you speaking your mind without any concrete backing from the Shari'a. And that'll be totally unfair to the servants of Allah, bcus..
1. There's no text from Qur'an & Sunnah prohibiting marrying a good Muslim from such home.
2. Allah guides whom He wills, from whatever home, community He wills, & some of those pple are even more dedicated & pious than you born into a 'moral' family.
3. Can you beat your chest that ur own family, immediate to extended are upon the Deen, ala Qur'an wa Sunnah?
4. As pious Muslims no too plenty laidis, na hin u dey ask us to pass up d chance to settle down with one bcus their families aren't upright? Is everything okay with you?
5. Are u familiar with the history of Ibrahim (A.S) and the Companions, do you know the conditions of some their families & their own position in the sight of Allah?
6. Wht gives u the assurance that d family are going to continue on immorality & never be guided?
7. Are you marrying the family or the individual?
8. No matter how pious your family seems, to you, to someone else's family dem no dey try at all.... WHO WILL NOW MARRY YOU?!
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