I notice a huge asymmetry in attitudes toward centrists from the right and left.

The left: "Centrists are conservatives in denial. Just admit it!"

The right: "Centrists see the problems on the left but many suffer from TDS or whatever. They should get over it and join us!"
I'm probably overgeneralizing here, but this is my experience. The left is mad about the existence of centrists and actively wants to distance themselves from us. Whereas the right is like "You're partly red-pilled, just take it a little farther and join us!"
Perhaps there's a lesson in here for the left on winning? I feel like in the current environment, they're the side more likely to demonize people or deem them "lost causes" for not agreeing with then 100%. How are you supposed to grow a movement if you do that?
Notably, when I talk about the left here, I'm mostly talking about Twitter people and progressives, not every Democratic politician. I think Biden won the Democratic primary and the election largely by not being a purity-testing wokescold: https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1333198053499490304
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