Write of Passage - @david_perell's course - is the best place to go if you want to start writing online.

I finished 1 year ago and have been honing my writing process ever since.

This is how I write 2 articles every month about the greatest humans to ever live.

1/Consume, but not too much.

I typically read two books per month. This is enough to flood my mind with ideas but not enough to give me information overload.

I also listen to one or two podcasts and read five to ten articles each week.
2/Capture the important points immediately.

While reading a book, I keep a pen in my hand. I underline the best sentences, bullet important points, and jot thoughts in the margins.

I’m always looking for good anecdotes.

If I don’t do it while reading, I lose the info.
3/Review the important points.

When I finish a book, I go back through, page by page, and transfer my notes into an Evernote doc. This helps me solidify key concepts and identify common themes, which is important for the next step.
4/Classify the important points.

When I finish my notes, I re-read them to identify major themes - things like persistence, courage, or character. Then I color code the sections of the notes accordingly.

At this point, I’ve seen the information 3 times.
5/Now it’s time to decide what to write.

I either remember a good anecdote and revisit those notes or read through notes til I find a good anecdote.

Then I scan the notes to find more of the same color highlights to combine.
7/After I write, I edit.

My first drafts are always shit, so I have to edit a lot.

First, I edit on my own.

Then I ask my friends to edit - H/T to @WritersBlocHQ.

It’s amazing what other people find that I miss. My writing is 1000x better for going through peer editing.
8/After I edit, I publish.

Twice every month, I publish a piece about greatness. Each piece is the result of the process outlined above.

It’s easy to repeat and results in consistent publishing of pieces like this one on character: https://josephcwells.com/blog/character-counts
9/I hope this helps your writing process!

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