Here's the problem with Star Wars and fan service - almost everything Star Warsy is considered fan service to some extent by this point, so removing it all would make things extremely non-Star Warsy and in that cast why even bother? 1/5
Shows that are set mid-continuity are in a particular bind because they are almost like missing puzzle pieces that need to have the right thingamajigs on all four sides to fit into their assigned slots. 2/5
I think #TheMandalorian has done this incredibly well thus far, dealing with the canonical restrictions of needing certain things and people and events to be mentioned and briefly explored, and yeah pleasing the fans in the process is a great way to do this. 3/5
Ultimately there is a group within the Star Wars fandom that is enchanted with the idea of subversion and canonical deconstruction and death of the author because they're obsessed with postmodernism, especially when it makes "fanboys" angry. 4/5
I even think there's room for that, just like X-Men had room for Logan and Deadpool and DC had room for Joker. But elbowing into main continuity just to ruffle feathers was a mistake and Disney knows it. So tough shit, guys. You're not getting what you want. 5/5
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