20 December 2020 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

How Far Must We Go?

GENERAL MCINERNEY "THIS IS NOT FRAUD; IT'S CYBER WARFARE AND TREASON. WE MUST ACT ACCORDINGLY" https://www.brighteon.com/e69cffc0-eceb-4f44-b20f-5e0d913aa1cb
2) As we do around here, we take things point by point. We are going to do so exhaustively with General Mac's sobering counsel. But let's place this on the timeline. This interview is 2 1/2 weeks old. Yet looking at today's headlines you can hear its themes and directives.
3) In today's news, our friends and heroes @GenFlynn and @SidneyPowell1 lead the way. And what a moment it had to be for Gen Flynn, to be back in the White House doing his job. In General Mac's words, you'll have an idea of what Flynn as fighting for, for America on his return.
4) Following a few more introductory thoughts, we'll walk through a summary of General Mac's guidance from, of all places, Wikipedia, and then turn to a slow cadence of points from the interview and my comments. No idea how long this thread will be. The interview is 41 minutes.
5) But there is another timeline for us to contemplate. We are at the gravest moment in American history, more so than even the Civil War. It has been countlessly reaffirmed that the enemy within is the greatest threat of all, and that is where we are. We face the enemy within.
6) You can tell you are not having an intelligent debate when your opponents says there is no chance you might be right, and the fact that you think you might be shows how completely stupid and unworthy you are of the skin you wear. Not going to get anywhere in that one.
7) Yet if those good and very intelligent souls on the other side were to give us room to speak, not insulting our intelligence, character, or parentage, etc., they would HAVE to face our scenario. An American Presidential Election has been fraudulently, treasonously stolen.
8) In the wonderful movie The Last Castle, Robert Redford's character walks through a moving historical truth. Capture the flag, he teaches us, is always the game on the board, on the field of combat, no matter what kind of warfare is in motion. Capture the flag.
9) There can be no question that in our great American polity, the Flag of State IS the Oval Office, the White House, the Chief Executive, the Commander in Chief, the President, the Presidency. That is the flag. Now, let's look at a treasonous moment.
10) I don't know the Chain Of Command at FOX, but I do know a policy when I see one. They chose at some wrongfully, treasonously wrongful moment to begin calling Joe Biden the President-elect. They imposed this almost uniformly. This is treason. Why?
11) It is an actual conspiracy to aid and abet China. China is the overlord of this vast conspiracy. We've discussed conspiracy theories before, and how I laugh and move right along when called a conspiracy theorist. I am a theorist. There are conspiracies. And...?
12) I decry FOX's decision as a CRITICAL component of today's Election Theft conspiracy. So that's where we have to go. There. We have to look at so vast a conspiracy it includes both State and Federal Courts, State Legislatures, obviously the Intel Community and so many more.
14) They'll never be able to even take the words in, but I still put forward to our Democratic friends...


If you knew that an election was stolen by fraud, in a vast conspiracy, on behalf of an enemy nation, what would you want to occur then?
15) In their attack on our education system, the Left has essentially wiped out the ability to engage in civil discourse, public debate in a mighty, but still courteous manner. Such as:

I see that we disagree, but I agree to do so agreeably.
16) At this point @POTUS is always brought up to me, and I am termed a hypocrite for supporting him, considering the value I place upon courtesy. Again, I laugh. He is not my role model, I meekly try to explain. And I'm not fighting his fights. He's not debating. He's at war.
17) By the time we get there all sense of the flow of ideas or their contest is lost, I tend to seek excuses for my departure. Yet, that debate, the one where we futilely attempt to demonstrate our scenario is what is in front of us right now, more importantly than ever before.
18) That scenario is the very topic of General Mac's guidance. What MUST we do to recapture the flag of our stolen election? He goes much further. How do we fight the actual fight, of which the election is but a skirmish? This, he tells us, is CYBER WARFARE. And TREASON.
19) Last tactical communications point. I always coach my clients to worry far less about what they'll say in any encounter, and focus on what they feel and what they think. If you know what you feel, and have clearly thought through your thoughts, your instinct takes over.
20) Here's an example. When I get challenged (and I will) that Trump is a traitor, I will NOT respond back, tit for tat, no everyone else are traitors. This accomplishes nothing. Rather, I'll say something like:

Do you know what CYBER WARFARE is?
21) It'll be different every time. Knowing my feelings and thoughts are on topic, my instinct will guide me to the most beneficial conversation possible, to the degree that any benefit can be created. One value is I don't get quite so hated as I used to and lose fewer clients.
22) It is natural to humans to Parley before they come to blows. Many horrible costs are often averted this way. The problem with most Parley is that the participants are not only already on the field of fight, their emotions are ramped for combat and their thoughts not clear.
23) That is where we are right now. Not in the ancient Rite of Parley, but in the moment before when, cool headed and ready, we know our feelings and thoughts, and can walk into the Parley Circle ready to do that job, right.
24) Perhaps most of all, we must parley with ourselves, within our very selves, personally. One of us within is scared. Another is HELL YEAH, BRING THE ACTION! Within, our souls are always an oligarchy. These inner little kings and queens must speak. Let us make that Parley now.
25) Our next step it to work through a portion of the Wiki article I mentioned above. Here is the link. I'll give the full quote now, take a break, and then commence our shared analysis.

26) "During a following phone interview with Mcinerney on November 30 on WVW-TV concerning voter fraud and cyberwarfare during the election, Mcinerney called on President Trump "to declare a national emergency, use the Insurrection Act, declare martial law, suspend habeas corpus,
27) "setup military tribunals, and suspend the electoral college [vote for president and vice-president] on December 14 and the presidential inauguration on January 20";
28) claiming that the 2020 presidential election on November 3 is being stolen from Trump and treasonous parties should be arrested and charged and a "full investigation" must be done by President Trump."

Back in a bit...
29) A numbered set of points, then we discuss each one at a time:

1) During an interview concerning voter fraud and cyberwarfare during the election,
2) He called on President Trump "to declare a national emergency,
30) And...

3) use the Insurrection Act,
4) declare martial law,
5) suspend habeas corpus,
6) setup military tribunals, and
7) suspend the electoral college [vote for president and vice-president] on December 14 and the presidential inauguration on January 20";
31) Continuing...

8) claiming that the 2020 presidential election is being stolen from Trump and
9) treasonous parties should be arrested and charged and
10) a "full investigation" must be done by President Trump.[
32) One by one:

1) During an interview concerning voter fraud and cyberwarfare during the election,

Funny thing, as I just numbered these 10 points, something shifted in my heart. I am now looking forward to the interview. I will be his happy student!
33) And imagine the courage. That's what true patriotism looks and sounds like. And as you listened, didn't you notice the kind, but brilliant courtesy General Mac gives to his interviewer? He listens, catches her point, and recognizing her and her work, expands and expounds.
34) We all know we're in an historic moment by now. I'm telling you that this is an historic interview. This is a marker of the moment. I am proud to share this moment with you, under General Mac's instruction.
35) Instantly, we're at action:

2) He called on President Trump "to declare a national emergency,

I know he'll explain most of what we need to know, but I have to go look this one up...
37) You know, I kind of knew, but not really. The most powerful phrase to me is:

Entirely Within His Discretion.

Yeah, that sounds like something Trump would have meditated about, profoundly.
38) Now here's the big one:

4) declare martial law,

Did you notice @GenFlynn trending yesterday over this one? Clearly he and General Mac are 100% on the same page.
39) We'll listen carefully when we get to this point in the interview. I haven't studied this, but the logic is crystal clear. We face enemies within who have conspired to defraud our democracy of its fair election. Many of these conspirators control the levers of law.
40) A mayor, controlling the local police, will NOT issue an order for his own arrest, nor would a judge sign a warrant so that that judge will be arrested. With so broad a treasonous conspiracy, it is only the Commander In Chief who may act, for which he requires martial law.
41) I blanched at this one:

5) suspend habeas corpus,

But the logic came in on the heels of martial law reasoning. Habeas corpus requires a judge to procure the person, ensuring rapid justice or release within guidelines. We must suspend this power from them.
42) Work it through. A traitor is arrested by the military, but is released through habeas corpus. There is NO WAY that the conspiracy could be brought down in that manner. It would just be catch and release. Can't work.
43) I've never checked. Is there a good book on the history of habeas corpus in America, and the times in which it has been suspended? I can assure you of this. I have never heard a sober and grim hero call for this suspension ever before. It does shock me.
44) How serious are we?

6) setup military tribunals,

The logic is obvious to anyone on this. Treason, when convicted, is punishable by death. Our criminal court system is hellaciously bad at this. The process often takes 20 years or more. Not so with military tribunal.
46) This was late September. What is he doing? He's expanding the federal government's ability to execute traitors (not specifically targeted, but that was the obvious reason). They can be shot or hung at dawn, upon conviction. I don't know tribunal requirements, but wow...
47) I can't speak - and do not know - about what intel Trump was working off of. But I do know one thing that was 100% in place at that time. States were suspending all the vote security protocols their own legislatures had made law. These changes were treasonous.
48) Let me qualify. Treason can be tricky and hard to define. I know, I've tried, and I get quickly tied up in concept knots. But I can tell you what's easy. When you're literally sleeping with Chinese spies, or getting paid by China for your corrupt actions, that's treason.
49) So I'm thinking military tribunals were already forecast over this election back in September when this E.O. expanded the kinds of methods the federal government may employ in executing its enemies within.
50) This one is a bit convoluted:

7) suspend the electoral college [vote for president and vice-president] on December 14 and the presidential inauguration on January 20";

Obviously, we're past the 14th, but I had to leave it in there. What was General Mac hoping for?
51) I'm remembering what General Mac said in the interview now, on this point. When facing a crime of this nature, there's no reason to rush. Consider the nature of the enemy within. How do we best defeat this theft, this warfare against our nation from within?
52) For him, the evidence was already so overwhelming that no possible question could be left. It's time to catch us some vote thieves and those who have betrayed our nation. It is very possible, probable...proven already?, that Joe Biden is one of the ring leaders.
53) Who remembers HRC being interviewed about having a problem with the FBI over her emails, and wasn't she worried about it? No, not at all. So you aren't in any trouble at all? Cackling laughter. No, that day will never come. She knew. That day will never come.
54) So as I remember his guidance, he's telling us let's get this in place right now. Suspending the electoral college would, I believe, be the act that informs everyone, Biden is disqualified and unfit for office and the way the law works, is that alone means Trump wins.
55) Oh yeah, here it right here:

8) claiming that the 2020 presidential election is being stolen from Trump and


It's not over yet, at all.
56) Charging ahead now:

9) treasonous parties should be arrested and charged and

We'll come back to this one...
57) Home base for the run:

10) a "full investigation" must be done by President Trump.

Now we slow down again...
58) These last three points, 8, 9, & 10, they're how we end our scenario. They're how we answer the question, what's next? They're how we save America from the utter destruction of our Constitutional Republic's Democratic Process of voting.
59) General Mac is telling us that we're seeing the very collapse of our Constitutional Republic before our very eyes if we fail to bring this thieving operation to an end. He's saying they have our flag right now, and this is how we take it back.
60) Go the other way. Imagine a puppet Biden getting the call of Xi, I need you to point and get ready to shoot some nukes at Moscow. Next, we the People's Liberation Army liberating Moscow. How about Taiwan? How about Australia and Japan? A puppet controlling our nukes.
61) One part of #9 that's easy enough to spec out. We positively need China's Non-Official Cover (NOC) List. I hope we already have it of course. Not even so much for their ties and connections. We must take this nation back from its traitorous enemies within. Period.
62) Can you smell the coffee of my coming break, here? Yeah, that's a good start. I don't know about you, but I know that I needed to do all that work in order to be able to truly take in the guidance we'll be listening to and analyzing. It'll go much better for me, for sure.
63) Interview up on my 2nd screen. Check. 1 additional thought from during my coffee break. We, We The People, Americans have NEVER been read in at this level so much by any previous @POTUS. How honored I feel to be here with you.
64) My hope is to comment as little (infrequently) as possible, and as narrowly as possible, if I can, less being more...maybe...
65) Sarah Westall? I've never heard of her before this. How about you guys? She's really, really good.
66) General Thomas McInerney can be found at:


Citizens Commission on National Security. Gotta go check...
67) Fantastic! Loads of critical information there. You'll be spending some time there, soon, for sure. We're part of that commission already, if informally.
68) Stopping Joe Biden's theft of this election, including the Civil War, is the most important thing to have ever happened to our nation.

The most important thing.

69) It's not fraud. It is treason.

If we take nothing else away from today's interview let's get this. Would you know what's going on, know that treason is, not merely fraud.
70) Same people behind Mueller are behind this.

The enemy reveals his face clearly, now.
71) Treason is taking over your own government. Coordinating 6 - 10 states to turn the vote is treason.
72) If massive CYBER WARFARE is engaged, then fraudulent voting has long been left behind.

This is actual war. War from within. Treason.
73) Dominion + CIA's rogue system called Hammer and Scorecard + plus no FBI, CIA, or DOJ with no prior investigation + CISA Cyberwarfare Infrastructure Security Agency, Mr. Krabs says perfect election? That's treason.

P.S. I thought to go to their homepage but changed my mind.
74) Blatant theft of election, massive truckloads of ballots showing up at 3:00 in the morning...
75) An inside job.


We're hearing that word a lot.
76) Brazen criminal behavior in front of our face with the media being a team of people lying to us about every aspect of this massive crime.
77) Unless addressed, this is the last election that matters.

The entire 2024 line will never work. We let this go, it's over.

In 2016, they did the same, but had no idea the magnitude of MAGA.
78) I had to pause and look up Hybrid Warfare at this point. I know General Mac gives a definition, but here, seeing was better for me than listening...

79) "In 2011 General McInerney helped form YottaStor a Cloud Computing LLC with emphasis on Large Object Data Storage especially for Intelligence,
80) "Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) platforms as well as Space Imagery, Cyber Warfare, Medical Imaging and Disaster Recovery and Continuity of Operations Planning (DR/COP)."

81) How you take over and control things...CYBER WARFARE.

Don't need divisions sweeping across the country.
82) FOX and every one of the mainstream Media companies are complicit with terrorist acts.

There's another wow.
83) Also, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff et all are guilty of terrorism.
84) Americans need to know, including Democrats who voted for Biden. We must show them, and not let this stand.
85) Not Republicans who won't get elected again. No honest representative will ever be elected.

Then, Democratic Socialism => Communism.

Green New Deal = Communism.
86) Covid shows the leaning in by Democrats who benefited most, and who are being used to take over this country.

Good Democrats are being duped.

The #WalkAwayMovement is massive!
87) General Mac talks about people who arrive here and find everything to be free. I met such a soul, a great guy, cleaning a Mall in MA, back in 1998 or so. He said those exact words to me. "I love America. Everything is free."
88) Do we keep our freedoms in the Declaration and the Constitution, or governors controlling all aspects of life?
89) The lockdowns are killing more people than the disease, let alone destroying our economy. In Japan in October more suicides than all Covid deaths. They are tyrants.
90) All control over our homes, cars, and every other thing that sounds good, is not good.

They are desperate, knowing their friends in media will give them cover.
91) Sarah tells us that alternate media was getting more reach than regular media. Censorship stamping down the reach. MSM lying about the fraud. A massive operation.
92) It's not too hard of a battle. Shutting Sarah's voice down was an act of treason. Recommendation to @POTUS:

2018 National Emergency Order relative to foreign influence on our voting system. He should execute it immediately.

Insurrection Act comes next.
93) Antifa and BLM will attack to cause chaos and they must be stopped.

Then, suspend habeas corpus as both Lincoln and FDR did. Must start arresting these people.

Democrats with assistance from Russia, Iran, and China, with no disguising the action.
94) Declare Martial Law. You then have authority to stop rioting and assist police forces in brutally stamping it out, and remove mayors who allow these criminal activities.

Signals we will not tolerate this insurrection.
95) Military tribunals due to corrupt judges, such as Sullivan in Flynn's case.

But the judges are saying not enough evidence. Well, in PA, they sent out 1.8 million mail-in ballots but counted 2.5 million such votes. 700,000 more than were sent out.
96) The judges are committing treason by failing to enforce the law for our vote. Democrats do NOT want this, either. All these impossible things are obvious.
97) I tried to find the good Doctor that General Mac refers to, but was not able.
98) Vote count distributions in 6 key states are not normal, and can only result from manipulation. They decided to cease counting at 4:00 am, unprecedented. In MI 138,000 votes for Biden come in at that moment.
99) General Mac now acknowledges how important Sarah's work is, since the American media fail, but she is providing the information we need to have the truth.
100) This empower us to express our expectations to President Trump.

Here now. This is action FOR US!

Let's pause here. Just an example:


What power can we employ in providing Trump with our clear communication to him?
101) #HalfMeasuresWontWork

Saving this nation will be the most important act of President Trump's life. Nothing else, not even winning in 2016, could possibly compare. That's why so many say:

102) Tell you what. My work here is done for today. I'm not sure if I might tackle the last segment tomorrow, or may just let it speak for itself.
103) I do want to thank both Sarah and General Mac from the bottom of my heart for their courage and extraordinary guidance. You know what? There's about 20 minutes left, I'll definitely finish up tomorrow and we can see where we go from there.
104) I'll end for today sharing a nightmare and a dream. Obviously, my nightmare is that we lose this, and in so doing we lose America Herself. I can see the death squads, and smell the stench of their violence and evil. The word noxious is too light a term.
105) But that's not my prediction. My dream, and I believe it will come true, is that together with President Trump, we will take America back, and restore the proper balance of power, never letting the vast conspiracy of traitors to ever take us to the brink like this again.
Thread ends at #105.
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