When we talk about certain foods, we seem to forget that they too contain vitamins and minerals. Anyway...
All taken per 100g. Some are nearly a source of other nutrients, or nearly high in a particular nutrient.
Snickers style bar: nearly a source of fibre, calcium, iron, zinc, seleniumvitamin B3
Kit kat style bar (e.g. time out, taxi): nearly a source of fibre
Twix style bar: nearly a source of fibre, calcium
Malteasers style bar: nearly a source of magnesium
Galaxy caramel style bar (e.g. curly surly, rolo, cadhbhurys caramel, toffee poppets), : nearly a source of vitamin E
Mars bar style bar: nearly a source of vitamin B1
Milky way style bar: nearly a source of vitamin B1
Smarties style chocolate: nearly a source of potassium
After Eights style chocolate:nearly a source of vitamin E and Vitamin B1
Own brand versions similar!
My main point is that we have to stop looking at foods as good and bad.
1. Context matters.
2. How a food appears in the total diet matters.
3. No food lack nutrients.
4. No 1 food can make your diet healthy or unhealthy.
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