Here is how January 6 could turn out to be a massive celebration:

(1) It's no coincidence that Chris Miller (Special Operations legend) is acting Secretary of Defense.
(2) It's no coincidence the recent reorganization of the Military, placing Special Ops on par with the other branches of the armed forces, & now reporting directly to Miller, who reports directly to Trump. Trump did that after the fraudulent results of the election was evident.
(3) Those in Congress who will knowingly vote in support of a (provable) fraudulent election commit treason on its face.
(4) Seven States, coincidentally the same number that had already declared secession when Lincoln took office [history rhymes], have submitted alt slates of electors reflecting the accurate will of the people of their states, to be considered by the joint session on Jan6
(5) Trump always gives people a last chance to do the right thing, even his enemies.
Now, being informed that US Special Forces would be standing by to whisk treasoners to Gitmo after a fraudulent electoral vote tally, what do we think those weaselly Democrats would do when confronted on January 6 with
... the option of going free, or being tried and shot by a firing squad if convicted for treason after a short, but efficient and fair trial?
If justice actually prevails on January 6, and Trump is rightfully elected for a second term, angry protests in the streets of DC, prompted by Trump to attend, would turn into joyous celebrations, on rival with the day the Japanese surrendered at the end of WWII.
Let's take this a step further. Under Chris Miller's command, Treasoners involved with the election coup around the country would immediately be rounded up and flown to Gitmo to stand trial. That is when mass arrested would begin and the American people would accept it.
All this is poised to occur. The stage is now complete, the trap set for anyone who dares enter it.

by @HankSullivan1
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