Go on then, I’ll jump on this...
Second day of the year, started a new full-time job.
3rd day of the year, went to a birthday bash for a mate, met this girl and we got talking and things were going well till May & it died out...
July, lost my job... https://twitter.com/sebastonvettel5/status/1340649834202636288
Ran out of money, was borrowing for months, tried applying for jobs and got completely ignored.
Started planning for an online radio station and finding people to help us and mapping out how we’d go about it..
Then got into what I thought was a long-term relationship-it wasn’t..
Then after some difficulty, got onto a Master’s course but still was having issues accessing my data. Fell 5 weeks behind and then got my finance and got scammed TWICE, unable to pay my uni fees and now my data has been locked till I can pay it...
Got a temp role at Primark..
Asked for a slight change in my hours as I was struggling to keep up my other commitments and got treated like public enemy no.1...
Then Boris announced TIER 4 and now I cannot work again.
February 1st, I go to become a Teaching Assistant, a role I’ve wanted for years...
Lost two family friends this year, which has been VERY, VERY hard to deal with...😔
Mental health dipped to the point I reached out for counselling from an elder at my Church who’s known me for over 20 years.
Relied on the support of friends this year more than ever.
Appeared on BBC WORLD NEWS to speak about my role model, the 7x World Champion Lewis Hamilton cresting history with his latest title win. Learned that even if no one likes or comments on my stuff, the right people are watching..
Gained all the confidence I’d wanted for years in the relationship I was in. Had people turn their backs on me, which often happens whenever I’m in a relationship but that’s on them not me. Had to pick myself up and keep going and look to the future for what was to come...
Realise who I am, the support I have around me and the fact this extremely difficult year is almost over...
Had some good moments in a year full of setbacks for everyone and I have to try and remind myself to think of those in the moments where I’m trapped in my thoughts
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