[Thread]: Old school "medicine" ads obviously created by aliens.

Let's begin with cocaine toothache drops, for only 15 cents.
Dr. Batty’s asthma cigarettes were not recommended for "children under 6.”
Best prescription for malaria, chills and fever: Grove's tasteless Chill Tonic, obviously.

"It is simply iron and Quinine in a tasteless form".
The cheapest specific for the relief of cough: heroin.
There's also Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
Headache? Drink a bottle of Coca Cola.

It only contains "menthol, cocaine, red gum, eucalyptus, guaiacum, rhatany, potash, borax, formaldehyde and cinnamon oil"
Hunt's Remedy - the great kidney & liver medicine. Never known to fail.
Compound Cream of Ammonia removes that tired feeling in your morning bath and also cleans culinary utensils.

Don't forget to use it when you need to clean and restore color to the carpet.
The Sparklet Nasal completely cures head colds.
Malt Bitters - the purest and best medicine in the world for nourishing and strengthening and for overcoming dyspepsia, debility and wasting diseases.
Merchant's Garglin Oil is the standard, Liniment of the United States and is good for burns, scalds, rheumatism, flesh wounds, sprains, bruises, lame back, hemorrhoids, toothache, sore throad, chapped hands and many other diseases.
Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children: mothers, use Dr. Hand's Colic Cure in place of stupefying syrups, paregoric, and cordials. Immediate relief for wind colic or crying babies. Not injurious.

The cat in a dress skipping rope is important.
Dysentery? Take Dr. Morse's Magic Pills. Cats are not included.
A cocaine suppository to cure uterine, rectal and urethral diseases.
Is "Smoker's Fag" beginning to get you?
The most popular agent. Compound Oxygen: its mode of action and results, a treatise of nearly two hundred pages, giving full and interesting information is mailed free to every applicant.
I'm concerned about the mental health of those who designed this
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