1. Winter Solstice

Our "Yes" To A New World Now Is What Creates It - Focusing Solstice Energy For Positive Change

We're in the end zone of the year 2020 now. As the last bits of its energy fade off in time, the Sun seeds a new solar year in the womb space of solstice silence...
2. ... and stillness. There is peace and quiet inside and out.

The 3:02 a.m. moment on Monday (MST - For your location's correct time go here: https://www.archaeoastronomy.com/2020.html  ) is the bottoming-out point, but the stillness field is held for three days - Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday -...
3. ... as all solstices and equinoxes are alchemical empty spaces for life on Earth to reharmonize with Nature and Spirit. Then we slowly go forward, a new year unfolding. We will be in the fetal stage until Chinese New Year and the Spring Equinox, when the new year child is...
4. ... actually born into the world.

The Jupiter/Saturn connection will mark the beginning of a very new time on Earth. They both, just in the last three days, entered the sign of Aquarius, so, when the solstice day happens and they reach their conjunction (their closest...
5. ... point in coming together as one) only a few hours later, they will be in the first degree of Aquarius, signifying that the new year starts with them vibrating the Aquarian energy of healthy global community. In the northern hemisphere you can see them in the southwest...
6. ... right after sunset, Jupiter very bright and Saturn to his upper left softer and farther away. They have been traveling the sky together all year, planning their meeting at a most auspicious moment.

Jupiter is the Heaven force and Saturn the Earth force; they balance...
7. ... and empower each other. Saturn, always very practical, says, "Let's make a form to last that does some good," and Jupiter says, "Let's expand to higher levels. Let's see bigger. Let's see what's possible." So Jupiter is the visionary architect here, and Saturn is the...
8. ... down-to-Earth builder. They are both thinking in Aquarian terms now, so what they (We) design and build together will be freedom-and-unity-based. 2021 promises to be a very New Age year.
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