Finally watched #MacGyver 5x03. I don't think it's too bad regarding the storyline. Bit of wonky writing but we're used to that *lol*. What I do hate is how they keep deconstructing the characters and praising a toxic relationship. (1/10)
I always assumed the scene was an undercover mission. It was a bit disappointing though that they used this short scene for the promotion of the entire episode since nothing came of it. (2)
They got some of flack from fans that the first two episodes were so Desi- and Russ-centered. Maybe they felt they had to not press too much on the kidnapping storyline. This was the main storyline though; did the guest-stars even get any mentions? (3)
What's worse is that the writers fed into it by re-posting and tweeting so much; feeding the frenzy of #MacRiley fans. And then wondering about the repercussion. Of course we would be disappointed. (4)
What I do hate is how they keep deconstructing the characters. It wasn't Desi who led Mac back from Codex. Bozer enabling MacDesi aka Mes(s)y is weird. And why does Mac keep apologizing to Desi? She should cut him some slack, at least - or start apologizing herself for once. (5)
Yes, there's stuff he could have handled better - if his mental health had been firing on all cylinders. He did what he could to save his loved ones and the world, so for the greater good. Isn't that was Desi as a soldier would have done, too? (6)
I get that Desi doesn't like fishing or painting but that wasn't the point... how often do we do stuff that we don't really like that much with partners, family or friends? Because it's about spending time with each other... time is precious once you start adulting. (7)
I think it’s understandable that Mac keeps clinging to someone after losing so much lately. But the way she treats him... shouldn’t Bozer try to intervene? Why do the others keep making him feel like it was his fault the relationship fell apart? (8)
I'm fine with rebooted Mac not being a macho hero but everyone enabling Desi's emotional abuse and neglecting Riley's good influence on Mac's mental health is weird. (9)
That's it for now. More of my ramblings on #MacGyver on my blog, in the @macgyveronline forums and on Tumblr. You know where to find me ;-)
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