over and over again this year has stunned me with how willing people (myself included at times!) are to judge each other, to look at our actions of panic in bad faith, to make no attempt at compassion or empathy
we have very little to gain from this sort of moral judgement except for a sense of superiority and self-righteousness, it is perfectly possible to think that people might have made the wrong call while understanding while they acted that way and not blaming them for it
i do think part of this comes from the weird sense we have now that we have to weigh up everything and know whether it is good or bad, have a take on everything - sometimes you can just mind your own business! leave others to do the best they can!
obvi if people are putting you directly at risk then that is a problem, but the solution to that is not judgement but removing the shame from admitting the risks taken and rules broken so you can make an informed decision abt the time u spend w that person or whatever
and tbh ultimately i just cannot stand the misanthropy people love to jump to of "everyone else is a hopeless idiot, (but not me!) we are so fucked because of all of them etc etc" no care, no solidarity, no compassion or concern for your community, what is with that
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