Bette is the epitome ⚪️Feminism. Now I’m about 2 tell u the truth. She had a mega church here in Michigan ( Warren) where she had every 12 step group imaginable so she could use the meetings as feeders 2 get vulnerable ppl into her “pray the sickness away” cult. This was AFTER
Black ppl like me dealt w/ “just say no,” a lack of funding to get into good treatment centers, & many of us ended up incarcerated, dead, or warehoused in busted up treatment centers that dropped us right back off in our same environments when the funding ran out. She took
Advantage of that and turned addiction into a money making ( her tapes were ALWAYS on sale in the lobby) enterprise that benefited her. The things she said were incredibly dangerous especially since so many of us suffer from health problems. The good things she had to say were
Plagiarized from Black Women, re packaged and sold to ⚪️ Women. I was forced to go to her services bc she sold them as being “recovery friendly” so the treatment center I worked at had me take clients who had church passes. It was non denominational so they chose her mega church
rather than allowing us to take clients to where they would normally go. Now fast forward to when she ran for POTUS. She got up on stage and talked like she understood reparations and acted like she’s been a ally engaged in anti racism work. ⚪️ Ppl ate that up while Black Women
Told y’all how dangerous she is. She got her talking points from A*O*... a Anti Black ( anti immigrant is AntiBlack) AstroTurf right wing front meant to use Black issues to suppress the Black vote. The founder is a 45 supporter. She went to their “conference” & got her talking
Points from there. Miss Imani has done a full write up on them ( not Imani Gandy). I don’t know what her @ is now but if you search Imani and A**S ( they search and swarm) u can find her. They started pushing her as a candidate in a attempt to get Black ppl to throw our votes
Away so 45 would be up against a easy opponent. When she dropped out, they began to push Tom Steyer who also got his talking points from them. His daughter did too. Marianne and Tom are so disconnected from Black issues they thought it was a legitimate organization & had no idea
Just how shady they were. That’s what happens when u ignore the Black community, use nothing but talking points to appear anti racist, and scramble at the last minute for legitimacy bc u realize u need our votes to win. A**S also contributed to the racist birther type attacks on
Madame VP Kamala Harris, they Lurked all over our spaces and called her a cop ( they teamed up with the ⚪️ Berners on that), and they kept posting about “tangibles” & withholding our vote. They’ve gone into hiding now that 45 lost. They’ll pop back up in 2024 and feed their
Talking points to another throw away candidate in a attempt to get us to throw our votes away. They know we are the glue that holds the Democratic Party together & there is no other vote in the country that’s targeted like our votes are. Marianne Williamson was a useful ignorant
Pawn and she willingly legitimized a right wing front trying to suppress our vote bc she was DESPERATE for talking points. She also endorsed the sexual predator Shahid Buttar who tried to primary Nancy Pelosi. She goes on Fox News and whines about us being “mean to her,” and if
You read thru her comments there is a BIG crossover between her supporters and Tulsi’s supporters. Tulsi is a homophobic, anti choice Assadist & Bernard’s suooorters who have tried to co opt OUR movement for liberation, who denigrate Black leaders, and who try to pit our youth
Against us. Like Marianne, they don’t know how to stay in their lanes and Cori Bush’s thread on Whip Clyburn is just ONE example of their ⚪️ Violence. They hate Black leadership bc they know our elders see right thru them and they’re on a mission to destroy the CBC. Lots of
Crossover w/ Marianne. Bette not only have I been forced to sit thru her services, I’ve seen FIRSTHAND the harm she’s caused and her partnership
W/ a Anti Black, right wing front, to try and suppress the Black vote is ⚪️ Supremacy of the highest order. I can and I will warn the
People I love.
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