Right now there is confusion in Europe about whether this new variant in the UK cited by Johnson as the reason for cancelling Christmas is actually a significant danger, or being used as political cover to reverse course on the UK's planned Christmas lockdown easing. https://twitter.com/BrunoBrussels/status/1340622671080468480
But given the urgency with which Johnson described the mutant strain yesterday, European governments aren't taking any chances.

Several countries including Belgium and the Netherlands have banned trains and flights coming from the UK, with immediate effect.
But before fears about this new strain run out of control and EU countries start shutting internal borders again, people need to listen to the experts about whether this new strain actually poses a threat.

Because there's no doubt that it's already in continental Europe.
Update: @EUCOpresident's cabinet is convening an emergency video call with EU national governments today "to share information at capitals level on the latest development on the virus variant and the measures related to it," according to an EU official.
If it turns out that the British prime minister exaggerated the seriousness of this new #COVID19 strain yesterday in order to give himself political cover to reverse his #Christmas lockdown easing policy, EU national governments are going to be furious.
The emergency video call of EU national governments on the new #COVID19 strain reported in England has ended.

They exchanged information on measures they intend to take in the coming hours. Council's Political Crisis Response Mechanism has been triggered and will meet tomorrow.
It looks like many EU countries are going to cancel flights and trains coming from the UK.

After the call Germany and Ireland announced thy will follow 🇧🇪🇳🇱🇮🇹, ban all flights/trains from UK starting tonight. More expected.
EU source tells me they just don't know how serious this new strain is, but for the moment they have to take the British prime minister at his word that it is dangerous enough to ban all travel from the UK.
Given its geography, Ireland's ban is a bit more complicated.

Flights from *Great Britain* are banned, but travel still allowed from Northern Ireland. Ferries will continue to cross the Irish Sea.

Emergency repatriation for Irish residents suddenly trapped in GB.
It will be easy for people to fly to Belfast from Great Britain and then go to Republic of Ireland, to avoid the travel ban.

Some may have been already planning this, given its the closest large airport for many in RoI.

A little preview of customs border problems after 1 Jan...
EU national government announcements of UK travel bans are pouring in now.

EU #IPCR committee will meet at 11am tomorrow to determine how dangerous this strain really is, coordinated by Germany.

On the same day the EU is set to approve the #Pfizer #COVID19 vaccine.
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