1/11 Now in the context of the triangle pic in this QT and Sushant - He is in the 3rd level with Other Great Souls with full access to everyone in each realm, ofcourse he can reject meeting those in the bottom realm. But How did he get there? Read on. #IndiaRoars4SSR https://twitter.com/reachnmn/status/1331672198940155913
2/11 Souls like SSR who have had an untimely death, who have died fighting for innocent souls or have died defending their motherland (Eg. Soldiers) undergo a different interaction with Kaala Bhairava (Time Annihilator). Wherein their life and Karmas are shown. #IndiaRoars4SSR
3/11 Those who have far exceeded their good karmas but have been murdered untimely, (while the soul was defending innocents or was fighting for justice) are allowed their choice of having their last wishes fulfilled, in line with the purpose of their birth. #IndiaRoars4SSR
4/11 In SSR’s case, he and his team were not just uncovering but also avenging the death of Disha and several before her. (Would be good to discuss on several such mysterious suicides in Bullyweed) #IndiaRoars4SSR
5/11 Being an urban yogi he'd surpassed deep n beyond by awakening his third eye via transcendental meditation etc. SSR had foreseen his death, but he was working on a plan to evade it with the help of his team (the only way out was to reveal the hidden truths). #IndiaRoars4SSR
6/11 Eg. Observe his collection of books, truly intelligent souls attain higher spiritual levels sooner and vice-versa. Also note they will always use their time productively. Pls do not confuse this spiritual transformation with Bhakti, both are different. #IndiaRoars4SSR
7/11 Becoz of the spiritual progress he made prior to his death n by his good deeds, SSR has become an immensely powerful soul. (Contrary to what ppl believe, evolved souls like SSR, Sadhus etc r more powerful after their physical death than when they are alive) #IndiaRoars4SSR
8/11 Now post his Kaala Bhairava’s guidance SSR’s soul has become potent. SSR is truly the LEADER of the #IndiaRoars4SSR Disha Jiah and Team SSR movement. The objective he was fighting for is now his unfulfilled mission which he will complete and only then can he pass on.
9/11 SSR is not alone! All those who have been killed by the cabal are with him and he is LEADING them all. There is no escape for the culprits! If anyone goes AGAINST this justice MVMNT #IndiaRoars4SSR then they are at his and MahaKaal and MaaKaali’s mercy.
10/11 There is no escape for any of the culprits n their helpers. Every Mahadev bhakt across the political-socio-legal-spiritual spectrum know this. Hence, none can shun his call. #IndiaRoars4SSR All #Warriors4SSR are evolved souls and that is why he connected with us all.
11/11 Btw know this SSR can come in your dreams via Astral projection, he would be friendly to us.. but to those who harmed him. I am sure they are on pills to sleep soundly. #IndiaRoars4SSR tick tock no culprit will be spared. Jai Mahakaal the TANDAV has begun they know it!
Post the conjunction between Saturn (Shani) and Jupiter (Guru) the dance of justice! TANDAV is going to be amplified.. all those who have lied/betrayed will get exposed. Those who have been honest will shine. #OneMonthToSSRBirthday
Do read 👇 https://twitter.com/Soumyadipta/status/1341008714787012610?s=19
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