By having a journalist as PM & Cabinet made up of former journalists/PR and SPADs you have a Government for whom words don’t mean deeply help convictions but rather words without consequence They think you can always write something different tomorrow (Boris 2 articles at a time)
As someone said to me this morning the issue with Johnson’s Conservatives is that “they will always give false hope if it avoids a difficult message on trade offs at the time In the end the false hope kills all trust in the team but who cares Telegraph/Mail headlines positive
The above is Boris and Christmas - he over promised in September, November and December. I spent one day in Tier 3 - that in itself should make PM and most in Cabinet fall on sword of incompetence
Brexit is going to be the same as there has been no honesty on the difficult trade offs - in fact I have no confidence Ministers have even read the risk register
Conservative supporter to me “no chance of me ever voting for them again as no honesty, no strategy and no practicality”
The end of thread and for Boris and the Conservatives we are seeing the start of the end of the administration - the house is falling in
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