THREAD: Toomey & Stimulus Package. Please share.
Without a doubt the Republican Party has become the most heinous organization in the United States. When a GOP Senator like Patrick J. Toomey, of Pennsylvania, holds up a stimulus bill that provides a mere $600.00 per person /1 Americans during a pandemic while people are dying, starving and falling into poverty, because he wants to control the only organization in the country that responsibly manages the nation’s finances for his personal gain, the US has become a third world dictatorship. /2
...Toomey, who from 2015 to 2020 spent a whopping $34,103,553 & has $3,326,072 cash on hand, is really “struggling” to make ends meet. These numbers are taken from the Federal Election Commission and are compiled by Open Secrets. Toomey’s political campaigns are 58.40% financed/3
... by large individual >$200,000 contributions. This doesn’t include his Senatorial pay.
Recently, my oldest son who is white, 54, a Republican, lives in Texas voted for Donald Trump in 2016 told me that America will not progress until all the “old white people” in the US /4
...die off; I laughed, but he is right and Toomey just proved his point. GOP greed as demonstrated by Trump, the GOP Senate & the GOP House is bankrupting this country; we won’t delve into the GOP financial mismanagement.
You don’t have to worry about making money through hard/5 or building a company, you can just become a Republican politician & run for office.
As a Federal Reserve System retiree, I can categorically state that the FED is the only organization that knows how to handle the US’s massive financial requirements. In fact I’ve been/6
... advocating that the US budget should be completely removed from Congress and the Executive Branch and given to the Federal Reserve. I guarantee once the money is removed, Republicans will lose interest in running for office and we’ll be able to clean up this mess./7
...Thank God my son saw the “light” and voted for Biden in 2020.
S. Lee Caudle
Annapolis, MD 21403
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Retired/8
You can follow @Lee8772.
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