My doxer, Russel Neiss, has issued a thread that is supposed to be an apology, but looks more like excusing oneself.
Let's go through this. Thread.
No, Russel, your left leaning politics is not what got your "harassment". Your doxing did. I certainly had no clue who you were and neither did any of my followers. The very first time I saw you in my mentions is when you complained about my "shitposting", and then posted a pic.
I'm entirely unsure how your anger regarding exclusion of non and anti zionists Jews from organized Jewish community, has anything to do with me. You and your cadre of doxers are employed by well known Jewish organizations. I, as you released my employment info, am not.
I have no power over organized Jewish institutions nor do I understand why my rejection of antizionism is so threatening to grown adults who are already employed by Jewish organizations. This attempt to stifle my thoughts and feelings over antizionism is not in our Jewish spirit.
Again, I don't know you. I never spoke to you. I didn't reply to your antagonizing tweet, nor the one where you posted a pic of my family. I blocked you in hopes you would leave me alone. Your actions came across as threatening to me and my child, so this victimhood is baffling.
Not seeing my name anywhere on this thread. You've let 5 days go by with your friends justifying this and spreading malicious lies and slander with zero intent to stop them. You made Jewish people here feel unsafe. You made the community fear for their own privacy.
What one needs to understand about Jews doxing other Jews is that it puts our entire community in disarray. I expect Russel to dig deeper in repentance and offer everyone a far better answer than this.
The snowball effect of your actions are still in motion.
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