Star Wars has been redefined since the times of Ep 4-6/1-3, and Ep 7 & 9 are holding on to relics of the past. The Last Jedi said “fuck the Skywalkers” and if Star Wars is defined by the movies to you, you’re woefully out of touch with what Star Wars has become over the years.
There have been so many books written over the years that became cannon in the hearts of fans. So many stories that escaped the shackles of the Skywalkers, and also a lot that fleshed out core movie characters beyond a rag tag group that bumbles through saving the galaxy.
Admittedly, I’ve only read Tales of the Bounty Hunters, so seeing him in Mando season 2 canonises (for me at least) Boba Fett being rescued from the remains of the sarlac pit by Dengar, to then go on to be the best man in Dengar’s wedding.
My point with Bobba and the one book I read, is that there have been so many Star Wars stories and adventures that have happened since it all started. Countless books, various comics, Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian, etc have all explored the vast Star Wars universe.
Episodes 7 & 9 are the outliers on what Star Wars has become as a franchise, and Ep 8 is the one that tried to make the movies something more than Skywalkers coming in at the end after all the leg work has been done and taking all the credit.
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