Actually nah rant time. Weezer is without a shadow of a doubt the single most over fucking rated band of the 2000’s. These dudes turned out half-assed bullshit “pop friendly” hits. These fools have maybe 3 good albums. Out of their catalog. Yet they’ve sold MILLIONS of records...
Dude like fucking Make Believe and Raditude are two of the single worst albums of all time AND THEY DID IT WITHIN 4 FUCKING YEARS WITHIN EACH OTHER. Like bro how do make two dogshit albums in that close of a timespan? How? HOW?!?!?
Another issue I have with Weezer. Is how have they’ve been an influential band? Name me one band that’s said “oh yeah the reason we wanted to make music is cause of Weezer” cause I’ve never heard of one. By the time a Weezer came around Grunge was dying....
And around the same time that was happening this neat little band over in the UK called Oasis was coming up and by the end of 95’ they were the single biggest fucking band in the world. Wonderwall was fucking EVERYWHERE. So even when Weezer was at what some considered their peak
They still weren’t the biggest thing in rock, and at the end of the day Weezer had more bad albums then good albums. So they’re over fucking rated and that’s my two cents on that :-)
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