A great thread on the phylogenetics of the emergent variants in South Africa and the UK. Shallow science has cried wolf a few times this year on ‘strains,’ but there may be more cause for concern this time around. Watch this space. https://twitter.com/firefoxx66/status/1340359989395861506
At the start of this pandemic, we saw something that acted like measles more than influenza. As it became endemic in many regions globally, we may now be seeing something a bit different. That may have ramifications on transmissibility and immunization. How much — we don’t know. https://twitter.com/k_g_andersen/status/1340457619534692352
The bottom line is that our mitigation and vaccination efforts are attempting to hit a moving target. We shouldn’t wait for this all to play out organically — we need to double down. Another great thread on these variants: https://twitter.com/trvrb/status/1340409968818671616
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