Did you know that there is a Nazi problem in our fandom?
I, as the owner of a server with 150+ members, come across this all the time. They just hang out in our fandom. They feel accepted here. And it is very annoying when people deny that there is a problem.
Therefore, from time to time I make posts about my meetings with these disgusting people. I want the fandom to be aware of this. I don't want the nazis to feel safe here. And I believe that everyone should make an effort to make these assholes feel as alienated as possible.
I banned two far right assholes this week.

It is not always easy to notice them, they will deny with all their might their fucked up views. But sooner or later, mask slips off their face a little. At this point, you should start asking questions and be persistent.
A word here and there about the white replacement? Serbian war crimes meme? Nobody except fascists does this. They are not just edgy shitposters, they are not fans of military history. They know who they are and they will wriggle like a slippery eel, avoiding answers.
They live in their own insane reality. They lie and wriggle just to get off the hook. You see, real fascism is when the neo-liberal authorities become too woke for their taste (lol tory government). Real racism is when you don't support white supremacy.
When you press them against the wall, the mask falls off. Their whole vile nature comes out. And it's funny, disgusting, but funny.
One of them said "all races are equal", but immediately deleted the message when he realized that I would inevitably ban him.
The second one started typing the n-word from the reactions under one of my posts. He deliberately delayed the answers in order to have time to sneakily write it.
Can you be more pathetic than them? I don't know.
Far right assholes are pathetic and slippery, they will deny everything and constantly lie in your face.
There are many more of them than you might think.
Do not tolerate them, alienate them. Don't do business with them, call out their shit. Stay vigilant.
Coke out
When there is no nazi lmao
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