okay so yes, i’m at the airport. wearing my mask and not acting like an asshole

but wowwwww i see why people judge the shit out of bills mafia because some of y’all absolutely were not raised right 🥴
moshing, treating this like a tailgate and leaving beer cans everywhere, masks pulled down or off completely, throwing their empties across the parking lot not caring where they land or who they hit. y’all should be embarrasseddddd
i will say that majority of people were wearing their masks and not acting like complete douche bags. but where the DJ was set up will definitely be the footage that makes its way to cuomo’s hands and he’ll put a haaaaard stop on any fan attendance
when you got away from the DJ though, everyone was just chillin with their masks on. most people weren’t even remotely close to the fence to be near the team. those fans (myself included) just wanted to be there when the plane touched down to say thanks & ily to our bills
and when the plane landed and everyone just erupted with applause and cheering and chanting “MVP”.... that was amazing. i’m glad i was there.

it wasn’t hard to just stand there with my mask on. wish some of y’all didn’t struggle so much with not being a garbage human
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