Florida as a program is Not Quite There Yet.

They lost to Texas A&M in no small part because Kyree Campbell was out and the Aggie OL controlled the game. UF, being NQTY, couldn't handle one starting DT being out. And also the secondary made Kellen Mond look like Joe Montana.
They played a month of 85% good ball after the Arkansas blowout, winning by healthy margins no matter how well or poorly they played. So as a NQTY team, they came out expecting to win by showing up against LSU and lost.
With everyone focused and almost complete availability of the most important players, they pushed Alabama for four quarters and were a recovered onside kick away from maybe winning. But they're Not Quite There Yet. Mullen included, with his time management issues.
They did this with a 2-star quarterback coming out of high school, an almost surprisingly large amount of holdovers who were recruited to play different systems, and a DC that every fan has wanted to fire at some point this year.
The 2020 season is both proof of concept that Mullen can get a Florida team to play toe-to-toe with anyone but also a reminder that the overhaul isn't complete.

Mullen has a hard decision to make about that DC, and it'll define the rest of his tenure.
With most of the McElwain holdovers leaving if Senior Bowl, et. al. invitations and Senior Night walks are an indication, next year will be fascinating. It'll basically be entirely Mullen's roster, and definitely his choice of DC.
But for now, this was an awesome team that mostly made the best of a messed up pandemic year and capped it with about the best anyone could've asked for against a monster Alabama team. It goes down as an all-time most memorable team.
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