1) #COVID19 outbreak in Sydney's #NorthernBeaches is such bollocks. Fact Brad "Health" Hazzard linked it to dude in band called Nothing Too Serious is giveaway. They're taking the piss. It's like when builder tells newbie to go to hardware shop for a "long weight".
3) So, according to her "analysis" horse bolted long ago. They keep muttering gravely about outbreaks, hot spots, super-spreaders. What a load of bollocks. Only way to accurately claim outbreak is if you had *reliable* test used on *entire* population *regularly*. #COVIDNSW
4) If you had this rigorous system in place and there were zero cases for weeks then some popped up, yes, that'd be an outbreak. But #PCRtest used is unreliable, easily tweaked to return desired positives. And only those spooked by #MSM fearpawn rock up for tests anyhow.
5) Think of #NorthernBeaches population density. Still many people up that way, but compared to rest of #Sydney, especially eastern, western suburbs, it's practically farmland. Millions live cheek by jowl from CBD to Parramatta and beyond. Why no outbreak in these areas?
6) Then there's public transport. Buses, trains back to crowding near what was routine back in good ol' days. Yet fewer and fewer face diapers worn. Below 20% I'd say. Caused Health Hazzard himself to bitch and moan about "complacency". Why no #SydneyMetro super-spreaders?
7) Reason "cluster" (love that word) appeared in #Avalon (near Brad's own electorate of Wakehurst BTW) is coz it's a major "white flight" area of #Sydney. Has among highest proportion of Anglo-Celts, Christians in city. #COVIDNSW
8) And it started at RSL, apparently. Complements smearing of Special Forces lately. Timing significant too. #ChristmasisCancelled, right? If you were a scumbag globalist aiming to weaken bulwarks against your agenda then this is exactly when and where you'd launch psyop.
9) This another example of #COVID19's wokeness. Was first illustrated by its refusal to infect BLM rally-goers, while being highly contagious at MAGA and anti-lockdown rallies. Bug so selective, required portly Vic plods and the like to warn of strong police presence etc.
10) If #coronavirus doesn't discriminate as "experts" keep telling us, why didn't "outbreak" begin in Lakemba mosque, or Enmore lesbian share-house? Reason obvious. Wouldn't suit narrative. Canberra, Macquarie St, MSM controlled by globalist elite.
11) Back to Health Hazzard and Nothing Too Serious: Globalist flog has form for "hiding in plain sight". Linked dreaded 'rona to #NWO twice. Do stuff like this to mock normies. And by admitting what they're doing, public -- not perps -- become responsible for their fate.
12) Just had a thought. A long bow I admit. Likely that cover band link to #COVIDNSW "outbreak" is in-joke between Health Hazzard and other secret society wankers. Can imagine he and #DictatorDan smirking over it. Also, maybe Nothing Too *Serious* is wordplay on #Sirius.
13) #Dogstar yuge symbol for Great Resetters. Health Hazzard twice referred to #NWO. At first, thought he let these brainfarts rip accidentally. Now I suspect intentional. Was telling normies what this all about. They get off on it, the arseholes. http://www.matthaydenblog.com/2020/10/did-top-shelf-dan-just-celebrate-secret.html
14) I admit, I'm a bit obsessed with #Sirius thing. But not nearly as much as the #occultelite are. Definitely heaps of symbolic incantation around it lately. It's their way of praying for #NWO to become real.
15) #Bluedog motif also used in specific #dogcomms between globalist blue checks. Take tweet about #Biden's socks. Came just before MSM #fakenews said he "tripped pulling dog's tail" requiring moon-boot, a la Hillary, McCain.
16) #SleepyJoe's "fall" involved dog "Major". #Sirius is in #CanisMajor. Pulling dog's tail is like combo of shaggy dog story and pulling a leg, innit? So sock tweet heads up that he would be questioned by white hats, resulting in tracking device round his (Achilles) heel.
17) Back to NSW Health Minister, who's confused #PiratePete. IMO won't mandate masks coz his part in global "Grinch Maneuver" to ensure #ChristmasisCancelled worked, so no need. And he's tried to get all on #SydneyMetro in face diapers to no avail. Knows most will refuse.
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18) Look closely at shot. Three sitting have V-necks or cord to form shape. Y-motif big for secret society wankers, remember. And look at two behind. Hands joined also evokes this. How often do you naturally do this? Yet two are, in same shot. Staged to highlight symbol.
19) Health Hazzard uses revealing term "Covid crusaders". Suggests religious motivation behind mass testing. Makes sense coz #AvalonCluster bollocks, ensuing Northern Beaches lockdown definitely part of global "Grinch Maneuver". #ChristmasisCancelled https://www.history.com/topics/middle-ages/crusades
20) Health Hazzard: "It's 1 in 100 yr pandemic." Bollocks, #SpanishFlu way worse. Last time he used phrase, added "it's the NWO". YT of that removed, BTW. Gift he talks about is wrecking #Christmas . What an arsehole! (And note time of tweet: 3.33PM.) http://www.matthaydenblog.com/2020/07/the-new-world-order-is-brad-for-your.html
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