1/n As we watch NEW strains of COVID emerge, it becomes even more important to get vaccinated. New strains can only emerge as the virus multiplies within hosts. More hosts = more strains. It is a number's game.
2/n If one of those strains was to become resistant to the vaccine, then the entire effort to vaccinate will become moot.
3/n And if one of those strains began to cause more severe disease in younger people, vaccine hesitancy among those who say "oh it's just a bad cold" will spiral into an enormous disaster.
4/n It won't be "just a bad cold" anymore (it never was). It may well become one of the most threatening diseases that we have ever encountered. These are real possibilities, not conjectures.
5/n We THINK that the vaccines are still effective against the new variants but that is being tested now. Let's hope for the best. It's a numbers game.
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