Here are my biggest takeaways from @tferriss's fantastic 90-minute conversation with @JerrySeinfeld.

The best lessons on creativity and life in 41 tweets.

I hope you find it as inspiring as I did.

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Check out the full conversation here:
1/ Stand-up comedy is scientific process.

You have a hypothesis.
You run an experiment.
The audience provides feedback.
You analyze the data.
You adjust accordingly and try again.

Life is like that too.
2/ The only feedback that means anything is your audience's reaction.
3/ Jerry believes two of the most important lessons to pass along to your children are:

1. The importance of Ethics.
2. The importance of Boldness.
4/ Being given the gift of talent and creativity is like being given a horse: You have to learn how to ride it.

Imagine being given a powerful black stallion at birth, and never learning how to ride it.

If you don't learn how to control it, it will kill you.
5/ Unfortunately, a creative gift often seems to be accompanied by a tendency towards depression.

It's not that depression is necessary for creativity, but it does seems to come as part of the kit.
6/ (In reference to Seinfeld - the show)

Know when to stop.

Don't always try to squeeze every last little bit out. Protect the integrity and beauty of your creation by knowing when to stop.

Don't taint something beautiful by forcing it to continue past its natural end point.
7/ Innovation often starts with asking yourself, "What am I really sick of?"
8/ "Learn to accept your mediocrity." - Jerry Seinfeld

No one is born being great.

The people who are truly great are the ones that put in a tremendous amount of hours towards their craft.

You might not be great yet, but you can become great by doing the work.
9/ Big things often starts with small, seemingly insignificant ideas.

Your job is to develop them into big ideas.

That's the practice. That's the work.

You're like an archer trying to hit a target 50-yards away: "It's a long shot, but let me see if I can hit it..."
10/ Creative work comes in 2 phases.

1. The free-play, creative phase.
2. The polish and construction phase.

Don't mix the two.
11/ Jerry attributes much of his success to understanding from a young age that stand-up comedy is really the profession of writing.
12/ The work of a writer has a lot in common with the work of a professional athlete.

It's all about putting in the work and getting those reps in.
13/ People think anyone should be able to write.

This is a lie.

Creating something from nothing is one of the most difficult things you can do.

Accepting it will be hard will paradoxically make it easier.
14/ Nobody gets it perfect on the first draft; don't expect yourself to be any different.

Good writers know that the secret to good writing, is re-writing.

"It's 95% re-write." - Jerry Seinfeld
15/ A crucial skill for all creative: Learn to encourage yourself.

For any creative endeavour, you must remind yourself that what you're about to do is one of the most difficult things a human can do.

Be kind to yourself. You deserve it.
16/ During the creative stage you must treat yourself like a baby: love, nurture, and support.

Then, when it comes to the editing stage, you have to be absolutely brutal and ruthless.

The key to creating is constantly flipping between these two.
17/ You never want to take away the well-deserved feeling of accomplishment after completing the very difficult task of writing/creating.

Honour you efforts that day by waiting 24 hours before sharing what you did with anyone.

Let the day be a win.
18/ Good writing is about using rhythm and musicality.

It's about getting your words to flow and sound so good that the audience can't help but be moved by them.
19/ Creativity and constraints.

When getting ready to create, decide ahead of time:

1. What problem are you going to work on?
2. How long are you going to work on it?

Creating is HARD.

You need a clear end-time. Never leave it open-ended. Your brain can only handle so much.
20/ To do something as difficult as any creative work, you need to give yourself a reward.

The reward is knowing that you're sitting down for a certain period of time and when that time is finished, you're done.

When the time is up, stop. You need to build trust with yourself.
21/ If you want to succeed at any endeavour, you must approach it with the seriousness of a professional.

Success in anything demands work ethic, discipline, and systemization.
22/ You have to train your brain like a dog.

"Don't confuse the mind with the brain. ... The mind is infinite in wisdom. The brain is a stupid little dog that is easily trained." - Jerry Seinfeld

The way to train your brain is through repetition and systemization.
23/ Start where you are in life and build from there.

Can't write for an hour? Write for 30 minutes.

Can't do 10 pushups? Do 3.

Start small, but start now.
24/ If you are rely only on willpower, you will fail.

You need to create systems that support your desired behaviour.
25/ Use rewards as an incentive to get you to do the hard things.
26/ Learn how to turn hard work into a game.

Yesterday you wrote 500 words. Today try to write 501.

Last week you did 10 pushups. This week try to do 11.

Keep trying to beat your previous best.

Gamify the process.
27/ How to protect against discord in teams:

Have a proactive approach to conflict resolution.

If anyone has a problem, approach them immediately and directly.

Ignoring it will always make it worse.

Focus on finding a solution.
28/ The book that transformed Jerry Seinfeld's fitness:

Body For Life by @BillPhillips

The reason why it was so powerful was that it's a complete step-by-step system for how to get in shape.

Everything is clearly laid out. No guesswork required.
29/ We can be overwhelmed by the abundance of our own internal power if we don't put it to good use,

Physical exercise allows you to use and manage that power so that it doesn't overwhelm you.
30/ Dog trainers have a saying: "A tired dog is a happy dog."

There seems to be some truth to that for humans as well.
31/ "If you look at the people who have really performed at a high level for decades, weight training seems to be one of the...near constants." - Tim Ferriss
32/ The two things Jerry believes can positively transform anybody's life are:

1. Weight Training
2. Transcendental Meditation ( @TMmeditation)
33/ According to Jerry, Transcendental Meditation is more than just stress-relief and relaxation. It's an energy recovery tool and a solution for concentration-fatigue.

It's a something you can use for whenever you feel your energy dipping during the day.
34/ "Pain is knowledge rushing in to fill a void with great speed." - Jerry Seinfeld
35/ Your failures are your most valuable experiences.

Learn from your failures and use your anger, frustration, and resentment as fuel for you eventual success.
36/ Studying is great, but nothing can take the place of actually doing the thing.

If you want to be a writer. write. If you want to be a singer, sing.

There's a time and place for learning, but it will never replace doing the actual work.

Jerry's final advice: "Just Work."
38/ @tferriss sponsor 1:

Tim's favourite wearable, @ouraring.

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(Tim+Jerry Podcast Takeaways 🧵)
39/ @tferriss sponsor 2:

@ROKFORM is a virtually indestructible phone case with integrated powerful magnets and a twist lock system for convenient, super-secure mounting.

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(Tim+Jerry Podcast Takeaways 🧵)
40/ @tferriss sponsor 3:

@Wealthfront are the masters at automating your investments. They diversify your portfolio, minimize fees, and look for ways to lower your taxes.

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(Tim+Jerry Podcast Takeaways 🧵)
41/ Thank you so much for reading! 🙏

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