There are about 111,000,000 Unique phone numbers in the US. What if I told you there was 6,800,000 Unique People that Used the exact same number?
2,800,000 people that shared the exact same number.
That 3 or more people (adding up to 4,000,000)shared the same #
or 66,940 phone numbers had 451,175 people associated with it? or 4,009 phone numbers had 10 or more people associated with it or 107,000 or 26.69 people sharing 1 phone line... Wouldn't that be worth exploring? Especially if it was happening within one State across counties?
Here is the best one, in IL... 1 phone number has 23,262 people associated with. I'm going to get the entire list of names associated with that number. Please note these are all "preliminary estimates", but WOW... quite an opening salvo.
6.13% of all Phone Numbers in the Nation have more than 1 person attached to them which makes no sense as the overwhelming Majority of Americans view a cell phone as part of their identity. Think of how many people have 2? Great way to coordinate possible Crimes in Voting?
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