Alright I’m starting a little early because like I said this might take awhile. Pressing play on Terra Firma pt 2 now! #DiscoOnTheProm
We pick up right where we left off last week. Georgiou in trying to change not only her fate but the fate of her adopted daughter, torturing Michael instead of killing her. One might wonder “how is this better”, but she is giving Michael a chance to change in the only way she can
Folks like to argue that Georgiou doesn’t deserve forgiveness, but we see in this convo that even before our crew met her, Georgiou was trying to resolve issues in a more peaceful matter then her universe deems appropriate. It’s why others are trying to mutiny #DiscoOnTheProm
“Why can’t they just believe what I say? Why do they only learn from pain?” Seeing her back on Terra after her time in our universe is seeing Georgiou at her most honest. The snide one liners we have gotten to know are her defense mechanism, lines like this are her true character
I love the Mirror opening credits, and part of me wishes me got a Mirror score for the opening as well, I’m blaming the fact that we don’t on the pandemic and not Jeff Russo #DiscoOnTheProm
Mary Wiseman has made fantastic acting choices as Killy, just the tiniest of facial movements that emphasize her character and attitude, bravo! #DiscoOnTheProm
The fireflies. Do y’all get how significant a scene that was? In a universe where strength is power and fear is more accepted then love, the amount of vulnerability to just open up with that story shows how much she has grown #DiscoOnTheProm
So FTR when she asks Michael to execute all the traitors, this is once again a societal line that she just couldn’t cross yet. Georgiou saved the one person that was the most important to her, she saved the people others would notice the least (the Kelpians) #DiscoOnTheProm
So this dinner conversation about Lorca makes me glad he didn’t make a cameo. I don’t think I could handle the creep fest that is him and Mirror Burnham’s relationship #DiscoOnTheProm
I know this sounds creepy af, but I’ll add my voice to all the other women out there who watched that scene and now want Doug Jones to brush their hair. #DiscoOnTheProm
“Survive, that is how you honor them. Teach others what you know, that is how you avenge them” This statement is both very Terran, and shows how a Terran can grow and learn like Georgiou has #DiscoOnTheProm
And the back stab comes. But Georgiou shows here that when opening yourself up in the front it’s always good to cover your back. I can’t help but to feel for her, it’s hard to be vulnerable in life, it’s even harder when you get stabbed in the back for trying #DiscoOnTheProm
But even though this fight scene comes to the exact outcome that Georgiou was trying to avoid, it shows that she has made an impact. Kelpians fighting alongside Terrans, and her life giving sacrifice to make sure Michael doesn’t take over #DiscoOnTheProm
And we are back on the Frozen Tundra to discover Georgiou lives 3 months in less then a minute (wibbly wobbly timey wimey) and oh yeah is still dying #DiscoOnTheProm
Carl reveals himself as the Guardian of Forever, and while I wasn’t a huge fan of this idea when it was floated last week, I like their explanation here. That basically Georgiou had to be weighed to see what kind of choices she would make and she ultimately passes #DiscoOnTheProm
Now we get a tearful goodbye (yes I’m crying too) watching these 2 strong willed forces of nature let their guards down and be open about what they mean to one another is powerful. You see the impact Michael has had on her and in return how much Michael has healed by knowing her
And back on Discovery, we have our space dad Admiral Vance, questioning the use of Book’s Emerald Chain device to get the info from the Kelpian ship. While his over cautiousness around anything new is a bit frustrating, he’s proving to be a good mentor for Saru #DiscoOnTheProm
That toast scene was bluntly honest, and Georgiou wouldn’t have wanted it any other way #DiscoOnTheProm
A few things before I sign off for tonight, you’ve seen me highlight my thoughts about Georgiou very openly in this thread, I was really looking forward to doing so because I’ve seen many conversations over the past few weeks of people talking about how they don’t care for her 1/
And that’s fine, not every character has to be for you. But she has a very important and valid place in the Star Trek universe. We have only seen the Mirror Universe as a villainous plot device, and Georgiou is our first opportunity to take a Terran out of their element 2/
And see if they can make different choices. I believe they have shown that she can over the past season and a half. You are allowed to disagree with that, but just know that wanting to see grow in characters like Georgiou doesn’t make other fans wrong. We recognize 3/
That she has done some truly bad things, but if you deny characters the chance to grow and change because of their past, does that make you any different then her? I’m using this thread to hopefully encourage others to open their hearts (as Georgiou did) and hopefully 4/
Give her section 31 spin-off a chance, I think that wherever Carl the Guardian sent her, she will remember Michael and Discovery and continue to make better choices 5/5
Alright after two full hours of ranting about Terra Firma, I’m signing off. Tune into #DiscoOnTheProm next week when @CallMeDjm takes over to discuss “The Citadel”
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