It's important to be skeptical, but don't say there's "ZERO evidence" for a theory only to present a theory there's ZERO evidence for (and in this case, not plausible).

The emerging evidence is very suggestive that the N501Y lineages in UK and S. Africa are more transmissible.
To be clear, the observation so far is that there are lineages with N501Y *associated* with more rapid spread. Additionally, the UK lineage has more associated mutations than expected. The concern is that the mutations may be causing the more rapid spread, but we don't know yet.
To me - and I'm very skeptical when it comes to this - the data are highly suggestive that the observed association is indeed a causal relationship. A lot of very good scientists hard at work figuring it out.

Relevance (if any) to immunity/vaccines/clinical features, all unknown
And just to that last point since I have seen many articles stating "no effect on immunity/vaccines/clinical features" - that is not correct. Absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence.

Fact is, we just don't know - but we will in the coming weeks. No point in speculating.
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