♦️Фирма је у Србији. Имају Српско држављанство.ИП адреса је из Србије са које су се конектовали и мењали резултате. Директор Бојан Ђорђевић је лично признао да је софтвер из Србије. итд. Јасно је да су радили у име и рачун некога. Сада нека кажу за кога.👇
https://srbin.info/svet/the-serbian-software-and-the-election-fraud-in-usa/?fbclid=IwAR3ThDCnmn989-rKNcMgQ3xE3VM7n5XikUbfCAYBshYVFjLTP64aJhGIaCo https://twitter.com/SecPompeo/status/1340011022204231683
♦️Voting machines in Antrim and Wayne counties in Michigan are connected to the Internet on November 3. at 11 pm, and thousands of Trump's votes were transferred from Serbia to Biden‼️ @GenFlynn @RudyGiuliani
@PressSec @WhiteHouse @EmeraldRobinson
♦️The information that is particularly interesting to us is that the software for these voting machines was written in SERBIA which has been confirmed by the representative of Dominion’s branch in Serbia Bojan Djordjevic.‼️👇
♦️I spoke nicely but no one believed me‼️ https://twitter.com/acastef53/status/1339706837696983045
♦️Head office #DominionVotingSystems Belgrade Serbia
The external network is connected to the Serbian IP address, the network that provides support is SBB, which is owned by Petraeus, the former head of the CIA, and Soros‼️ @POTUS @FLOTUS @realDonaldTrump https://twitter.com/acastef53/status/1327428876256104449
♦️Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election‼️
I posted on November 7th. https://twitter.com/acastef53/status/1325122140346019840
You can follow @acastef53.
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