College football at the Power 5 Conference level is straight up indentured servitude, that’s undeniable true.
Dabo Sweeney makes 9.3 million dollars a year and yet the players get absolutely nothing. I don’t care how good a team Clemson is(and they are a very good team), that dynamic is fucking atrocious.
I feel like I should clarify: the revenue-generating college sports(i.e. college football and college basketball) are examples of the most insane kind of indentured servitude, and the NCAA is a extraordinarily deranged institution.

The players in those sports should be paid.
Anyone who writes about/covers collegiate athletics should talk about that CONSTANTLY AND WITHOUT CEASING, and yet they choose not to do so.
It’s the one of the very few things left about the United States that makes it genuinely distinct to every other nation on earth, but hooooooly shit is it grotesque and unconscionable.
And even tho the NCAA has decided to relax the rules a bit on college athletes making money, they still are prohibited from making any money from, uh, what it is that they actually do for a living.
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