Think a root cause of some of the bad housing and climate discourse On Here is that a bunch of folks on the left have an ideological need to identify *an actor* who is *acting* and causing the problem.

The hundred corporations or Big Developers or gentrifying yuppies etc.
But that frame turns out to be a bad fit for issues like unaffordable housing, where the problem is caused by what’s *not* happening.

Or see how disinvestment gets far less attention than gentrification despite being far more prevalent, b/c there’s not a clear responsible actor.
And climate is similar in that the problem is a product of systems, not a small group of nefarious actors.

So while it’s fine to go after Chevron or whoever, it can’t be while ignoring the underlying reason why Chevron exists, which is to provide a product that *we all* demand.
I think about how Hirsch and how Taylor argue that the value of White suburbs could not exist without the simultaneous existence of a Black ghetto.

You don’t see that if you look only at one piece or one actor of that system.
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