1/ Thread about my experience with Neo-Nazis:

Someone asked me recently why I don’t have my picture for my avatar. It’s simple. Last summer I was doxed, verbally abused and threatened by anti-Semites and Neo-Nazis. How do I know they were Nazis? They posted on Gab about me.
2/ They sent me emails, texted me, left me voicemails, and called my work. They also sent emails and called my superiors at work trying to get me fired. This went on for more than a month.
One person said he hoped I killed myself. Another said he would pay money to watch me shoot myself. Others made anti-Semitic comments I won’t repeat here, except I believe “Make Auschwitz Great Again” was used on several occasions.
After all of that, I left social media for a month. I deactivated my twitter account and even had discussions with the @ADL. Finally, I created a new twitter account, and with help from some great friends like @nixw20, I was able to slowly rebuild my account back up.
So, that’s my story, and also why I currently have the Miami Dolphins as my avatar.
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