Atheist morality is contingent on the ‘harm principle’. The issue is, no atheists actually follow it!

Here’s a thread of 10 things that atheists would find immoral, yet do not violate the ‘harm principle’.

Fair warning: Some of these are explicit.
1. Lying

Lying does not violate the harm principle in and of itself, and there is nothing wrong with it according to secular morality.
2. Breaking oaths

Oaths have no sanctity to an atheist because he there is no reason to uphold them unless he benefits from it.
3. Cartoon Child Pornography

Explicit images of children, if they are drawn, does not violate the harm principle in any way.

Start referring to Atheists as cartoon child porn supporters
4. Incest

Atheists can not properly justify what is inherently wrong with incest. If there is no risk of children (homosexuals, infertility, or birth control solves this), then secular morality has no issue with incest.
5. Sexual acts with someone unable to remember (unconscious or child)

As long as the act does not harm the other participant, atheists cannot see anything wrong with it. Who does it hurt? They won’t be able to answer. How sick.
6. Beastiality

According to prominent Atheist philosophers, as long as you don’t harm the animal, and they aren’t forced, there’s nothing wrong. Some secular countries even allow it.

How sad is it that this is the prevailing system of morality for the west.
7. Drug Abuse and Addiction

Harming yourself is completely allowed, as long as you aren’t harming others. Atheists don’t have a moral qualm with someone abusing heroin.
8. Suicide

Like the last point, harming yourself is completely ok. It is your body and your choice, after all. Make sure to call your local atheists ‘suicide supporters’.
9. Greed and Materialism

As long as you aren’t actively harming others, there’s no problem with being as greedy as you want. No reason to give charity. Atheism has no problem with a persons greed, so long as they don’t harm others by it.
10. Adultery

Like numbers 1 and 2, the only reason to believe adultery is wrong is if you believe breaking oaths and lying is wrong, and Atheists have no reason to believe that. It’s no wonder their cultures are sexually depraved.
If you’re an atheist reading this and think, ‘hey, I don’t agree with those things’, good!

You shouldn’t, and maybe you should reconsider claiming your morality is based on the harm principle if you constantly violate it.
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