John Calipari's approach has always been a high wire act with no safety net. There's a reason he's the only coach in college basketball that does it the way he does. Even with elite talent it's really hard to coach young teams and no school has more roster turnover year to year.
But that also means his problems are of his own doing. When you start from scratch every season, it depends on a lot to go right to absorb those massive losses. He's pulled a rabbit out of the hat before but it feels like this is the year everything has finally caught up to him.
And, yes, history tells us that Calipari's teams usually figure it out, come together, and make a deep run in the NCAA Tournament. But it feels as though there is a growing segment of fans that are just fatigued by the process.
It's a different team making the same freshman mistakes year after year. And to a portion of the fanbase, the end result doesn't make the yearly growing pains any less frustrating. Especially when the players go on to have individual success in the NBA.
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