also this is a VERY long thread so be prepared
[disclaimer; sorry it’s so long]

yes i know he took a test and shared his results as ISFP. yes i know about the whole “who are you to type him differently than a test he took himself” but just listen for a second.

he took the 16 personalities test, which is not an actual
MBTI test for various reasons. MBTI theory is based on “cognitive functions” (CFs) and that’s what determines your type, and 16P simply does not test CFs at all and is bound to give an inaccurate MBTI type because of that.

also, it’s somewhat of a misunderstanding that MBTI
types are personality types bc it misconstrues what they actual describe. they describe your CFs which describe /how you think/ and not your actual personality. it’s very hard to alter your thought process even if you altered your personality to be “idol friendly”
which is why i feel confident that anyone with enough knowledge on MBTI theory & the person they’re typing can come up with a fairly accurate MBTI type for idols.

now granted, it’s possible i’ll get all the right functions but the in wrong order (CF stack) which would give the
wrong type. i could also get two functions in the right order, but mess up the other two functions and give the wrong type.

however, my goal is (obviously) to make an accurate typing and i feel i’ve been very thorough and that it is in fact accurate.

[end of disclaimer]
type: INFP


so these letter-pairs describe an INFP’s CF stack which is what gives you insight on the person you type
having Fi (introverted feeling) up first in the stack means it’s going to be the function taeil is the best at using and uses the most. Fi is introverted, meaning it’s focused inwardly. it’s all about self-expression and remaining authentic and yourself— doing things for yourself
(but not necessarily in a selfish way)

having dominant Fi as an INFP would offer a possible explanation as to why 16P mistyped taeil as an ISFP; they share the same dominant function. having a feeling function as the dominant function is gonna imply that he scored highly on
the feeling side of the feeling vs thinking preference from 16P. but sharing a dominant function also means that the two types share the same inferior (weakest) function: Te (extroverted thinking).
within a CF stack, every type has a thinking, feeling, sensing, & intuitive function. the trick is to determine if the person uses the introverted or extroverted form of these functions, and how highly they prioritize using those functions in comparison to the rest of the stack.
having Fi dominant/first in the stack means taeil uses it the most. Fi is a judging function, meaning it’s what is used to make decisions. that means most of his decisions or his initial choices/preferences will reflect Fi.
being an idol is a great career path for someone with dominant Fi! as an idol taeil has many opportunities to be creative and express himself through his singing. but most notably, taeil has shown a lot of interest (and concern) with being able to present himself authentically.
wanting to be true to yourself and do things your own way is VERY characteristic of a dominant Fi user. he makes choices, including stylistic choices, based on how he personally feels.

Fi is also tricky to understand in the sense that it does what it wants based on the feelings
of it’s user. Fe in comparison is known for making choices based on what keeps harmony between people. Fi might make choices that keep the harmony, but this is based on what it wants for itself, not based on the feelings of others.

Fe is much less concerned with its own
feelings and prioritizes making others feel better. now, this makes Fi sound quite selfish, and maybe it is when it stands alone, but how it’s used is based on the feelings of its user.

if taeil himself is concerned with keeping the harmony and making others feel better,
then that is something reflected in Fi. the deciding factor for me, between Fe and Fi, was taeil’s devotion to only presenting his true and authentic self— wanting to do something that allows him to express how he truly feels (music/singing)
i also considered INTP as a typing for taeil. i haven’t gotten into these functions quite yet, but INTP and INFP share their second and third function in the same order (Ne and Si) so they can be similar in many ways.

but what makes them different is INTP uses Ti and Fe where
INFP uses Fi and Te as its dominant and inferior functions— two functions of which the other type does not have in its stack AT ALL. i actually was on the fence about whether or not taeil used Ti vs Te, but it became quite obvious that taeil is an Fi user which immediately
rules out INTP. also, the fact that i could not easily identify his preference of Te over Ti shows that it’s not going to be a function he uses often, and therefore can’t be his dominant function— once again ruling out INTP.
of course, ISFP was another contender and was the type he tested as in 16P. ISFP and INFP share their dominant and inferior functions, as i’ve previously mentioned. this means the two can easily be mistyped as one another on a surface level.

however, it became clear to me that
where ISFP uses Se, taeil uses Si (tertiary/third function). Se/Si is a perceiving function, describing how it’s user will take in information.

Se relates to taking information in via the 5 senses— getting around and moving your body, living in the moment and truly being present
Si is concerned with memories and using memories as a reference point. it’s no secret that taeil likes to use his body;

he’s known for working out and his butterflies. he’s expressed his interest in variety shows that allow him to use him body (he mentioned running man)
however Se likes to get in on the action and be thoroughly involved. Si prefers to observe and “store” the information for later use. taeil is a member who usually sits back and watches what everyone’s doing before partaking on the action himself (if he does at all).
taeil is an obvious Si user, ruling out the runner up ISFP. that only leaves his auxiliary (second function) to be analyzed.

now if you’ve identified three functions, you’ve identified the type. Si has to be paired with Ne, and there’s only one type that has Si with dominant Fe
being the INFP. but for the sake of being thorough, let’s look into his auxiliary function— Ne.

your auxiliary function will be your second strongest, so i admit it seems questionable to get to it this late— almost as if i wasn’t sure about it

but in reality, his Ne is what led
me to questioning the possibility that he may be an INTP (which also has auxiliary Ne). to me, his Ne was more obvious than his Fi at first.

maybe that’s because i’m an INTP and can more easily recognize a function i use myself, but i think it’s still clear he only uses Ne
secondarily— after Fi. plus, having dominant Ne with auxiliary Fi would make him an ENFP which really does not reflect him all that well in my humble opinion.
but anyways, generally speaking Ne is used to connect thoughts. being an extroverted function, it’s focused outwardly and is known to kind of be all over the place and bounce from thought to thought. it’s a perceiving function, so it’s taking in all of this information from
so many different sources and trying to compile them together. then, it’s the judging functions (F and T) who have the responsibility of deciding what’s useful in decision making. Ne makes the connects, and with dominant Fi, that’s what decides whether or not they’re relevant
for taeil’s own purposes.

but his Ne is so obvious (to me) because of how much nonsense he seems to spout. his humor is known for being nonsensical and making strange connections that require a lot of context to fully understand. that’s why there are so many occasions where
taeil might say something that confuses the other members. there’s this whole thought process in his head connecting all these seemingly unrelated things, and by the time he completes his thoughts and says it out loud, it requires so much context about /how/ he even got to that
conclusion for it to make any sense for those who didn’t undergo the same thought process. this is something i personally struggle with myself as an auxiliary Ne user.

Ne paired with Fi is also what’s responsible for INFP’s reputation for being so creative. Ne makes up all these
extremely unique and creative things that the Fi wants to express. it’s a very abstract process

(this also explains why his drawings are... questionable)
and as far as his inferior Te goes, since i know i haven’t gone into much detail on it:

inferior functions are most known for being untrained since they aren’t used very often. they’re also responsible for what’s called the “grip.” for an INFP, their “grip” is Te as Te is their
inferior/weakest function. Te, similar to Ti, is known for being very analytical.

Ti builds these systems for its users to quickly organize information into. these systems are constantly being reformed and reshaped based on newly encountered knowledge, and its role is generally
to create this framework of what is to be deemed logical. Ti is concerned with finding unbiased truths and logic, so new information is always being used to question the validity of older information. this is the main reason it’s users are known to, put quite simply, overthink.
Te on the other hand is less concerned with searching for all of these “laws” and “truths” and is only interested in putting what it knows into real use. Te users are know for getting things done. Te is prepared, organized, and productive. Ti is... less of those things
so how can this be applied to taeil and the “grip?”

well the Te grip would result in its user being uncharacteristically cold and deductive; making snappy decisions based on cold reasoning for the sake of making /something/ happen. now, as an idol, taeil is not gonna be
out here showcasing any case of Te grip. it would be quite unpleasant, he may seem arrogant and rude and bothered. now while these grip things aren’t necessarily— or don’t have to be— long term, to be “in a grip” means it’s gonna stick around long enough to be noticeable
grips happen because your inferior function is underdeveloped and you’ve been put in a stressful situation that causes this underdeveloped function to be relied on and overused. it hasn’t found its balance within the rest of the stack yet, which is why it’s so unpleasant.
now, while taeil’s not old by any means, he’s not a kid anymore. he’s matured and developed himself (& Te) in many ways. hopefully he doesn’t have much reason to end up in a Te grip, and it’d be safe to assume that, if he found himself in one, he wouldn’t be bringing that to work
for millions of people to see. he might be more quiet than usual, maybe look noticeably upset at times, but he would not be having outbursts during public schedules and what not, so this Te grip isn’t something that fans would ever really see.
that’s why thoroughly analyzing his inferior function can be a little more difficult. however, as taeil is a generally unbothered guy who’s not known to overthink (commonly brushes things off when he doesn’t feel they’re important rather than obsess about them), i think it’s safe
to say he’s a Te user rather than Ti, especially when it’s makes sense in the greater picture of his CF stack as a whole.

so, in conclusion, taeil is an INFP!! i’m sure lots of you INFPs out there may be pretty proud to hear about this haha. sorry the thread was so long :0
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