I’m so angry at everyone who does not prioritize sexuality in activism; who thought it was fun to say dumb shit like “no sex at Pride” or that sex work is merely a labor issue; or who refuse to stand up for sexual imagery because leftist respectability politics are easier.
I’m angry at shortsightedness of people pimping “image based abuse” virtue signaling without connecting it to larger issues; with the feminists who ignore how their #MeToo politics overlap with #Q bullshit; with people with convenient amnesia about AIDS while chiding gay men.
Angry at the people crying about free speech who have never lifted a finger to help sex workers; at organizations committed to freedom of expression but refuse to include sexual imagery; at people pushing “ethical” and “feminist” porn not thinking about the implicit message.
Angry at online posturing about sex work without any on the ground activism; but angry, too, about activists with no vision of a better world; angry at people whose socialism or libertarianism erase the actual sex workers in need.
Angry at the cowardly publishers afraid to publish books defending pornography; angry at the idiot liberal celebrities who made Stormy Daniels jokes to mock Trump without seeing they were mocking sex workers as a whole.
Angry at feminists who forgive Dworkin, MacKinnon, Steinem as if their hatred of sex workers was just a blip and not a significant sign of a rotten soul and body of work; angry at the UK leftists I reached out about sex work to bit ignored it to support SWERF Labour MPs.
Angry at the people who don’t care about sexual imagery in general as an aspect of being human but only talk about sex work; and angry at the people who post sexual imagery but don’t give a fuck about sex workers.
Angry at you, if you’re reading this, and you read my tweets, and have cheered me on or other sex workers on but never lifted a finger to support sex workers’ rights or freedom of sexual expression.
I’m so fucking angry and I’m so tired of being one of the small group of people who have tried to talk about this and organize around it and do activism about it and to only have it come to this.
I’m angry at myself for being so ineffective, inarticulate, and so powerless.
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