My roommates encouraged me to buy my own keeper ornament. They told me to find something that made me smile and that was special to me. I bought this one and I am very happy. It is an everything bagel.

That cost me $15.99. That's more than three everything bagels. I am furious. For what it cost, you best believe that I am insisting that it be passed on to my great grandchildren. If they break it I will haunt them.
Observation 7: The religious aspect of Christmas is optional.

I really like this one. If I was to suggest having a secular Ramadan to my mother she would have a heart attack. I will however be trying to get my family to do a Secret Santa for Eid. The name's being workshopped.
Observation 8: You need a "menu".

Yeah... This one is where they lost me. Last Christmas my family ordered Popeyes and watched a movie. My roommate has an entire menu with wine pairings and desserts planned.
To wrap things up I want to applaud longtime Christmas celebrators. This is a lot of work and very tiring.

I will say I am having a very pleasant time. I am learning that I enjoy Christmas music and gift purchasing. I am also learning that I do not enjoy peppermint.
Update: Well this has blown up! Thank you all for the kind messages. Many families are having to deal with a very different holiday season. Please consider supporting these charities:

Milton Halal Food Bank:

Parkdale Food Centre: 
I gave $50! If you are in a position to donate and you did, share a screenshot! 🎄✨
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