White G_n_cide Is The Business of the Gl_balists


Sarkozy (J_w¡sh) former PM of France, calling racial interbreeding an ''obligation'' and if "volunteerism does not work, then the state will move to more coercive measures".
NATO's supreme commander, Gen. Wesley Clark: "There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That's a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition it into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states."
If you're still wondering what the aim of multiculturalism & diversity is, then here's your answer. Otherwise this is a reminder.

Q: "When are we multicultural enough?"

Jew: "It doesn't end, believe it or not, for you (White Folk), history ends, history ends & doesn't change."
Hiding a planned genocide in plain sight.
Kalergi plan
Fictional novel, goyim
4 well known and documented plans for the G_nocide of Europeans. (Part 1 of 2)
4 well known and documented plans for the G_nocide of Europeans. (Part 2 of 2)
"Germany must perish"
"Sterilize 48 million"
"A sensational idea"
Germany Must Perish in the Jewish Chronicle of Newark, New Jersey on Friday, April 10, 1942.

"A sensational gift"
All over the world White People face the same threat - this is not happening by chance. This is a planned g_nocide of those of European descent.
whItE G_NoCiDe IS JuSt A coNSpiracY theory gOYs!
J_ws: White g_nocide is a White supremacist conspiracy theory.

Also J_ws:
"the great r_pl_cement is a racist, sexist, anti-s_mitic conspiracy theory"
This is ENGLAND.

This is what mass immigration has created. When liberals talk of 'multiculturalism' & 'diversity', this is the end result!
In response to accusations that the Communist state is “committing g_nocide” against its Uyghur population, China’s Ambassador to Grenada has accused western leaders of pursuing a “g_nocide policy” by citing declining birth rates.
When people tell you The Great R_pl_cement is a white supremacist myth...

“This is a projection of the ethnic populations in the UK. Declining line, going downwards is the white British population. The British population scheduled to become a minority by about 2060”

Oxford Prof
When useful idiots believe that communism is some fairy tale economic theory where everyone equally owns everything & sings kumbaya...yeah, that communism hasn't been tried before, because that's not communism. Real communism is 'K¡II the best g_ntiles', & it's been tried before
Totally NOT deliberate, white people. Government loves and wants to keep you safe...NOT deliberate.... just keep watching NetFlix.
The Z__nist Method for the Destruction of Western Civilisation.
"..they will stay in their host countries where they are committing their crimes, for as long as they can possibly get away with it.."

#RightOfReturn 🤔

(David Irving)
Soon your children will have to live their lives in fear because our doors have been opened to a barbaric third world. We're not saving "migrants" or "refugees". They come for free money, & bring violent crime, murder & rape with them, they're not escaping it, they are it.
"They said we're going to fight a war to make it a better land to live in .. for me. Did 10 years in the war, come back here, now everybody wants to change the way that I went & fought for. That ain't right, I want it as it is now, what I really nearly sacrificed my life for."
Winston Churchill: Undisputed Masters.
"It is very clear that the head of the snake is the financial system [...] The whole system is based on a financial fraud which effectively takes the power that we have and it gives it to a tiny group of individuals who are running the world through the control of Finance.."
Europa: The Last Battle: http://t.me/battleofeuropa  (Telegram)

EUROPA: THE LAST BATTLE (2017) - FULL DOCUMENTARY HD: https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1nPYDj7KBEQ (Bitchute)

EUROPA – The Last Battle ~ The Full Documentary (2017) https://archive.org/details/EUROPATheLastBattle (Archive)
"This is VertigoPolitix. We are an underground think-tank whose ongoing surveys examine the health of European cultures, and the civilization that these gave rise to. Our research laboratory and content production will responsi..[continued in video]..."

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