hahahahahahahahahahahahaha https://twitter.com/SwipeWright/status/1340199529891549184
bitch if you're taking a class on black liberation at Dalton School there is a 100% chance you're gonna be firing people within 5 years of graduating
I don't think the 50k a year pedophile high school needs diversity officers. I think it needs POLICE officers. to ARREST the STUDENT BODY and FACULTY
two kinds of people come out of Dalton School. First if Matt Yglesias. The second is Jeffrey Epstein.
Diversity plot lines in student plays!!! Jesus Christ man! Just go to a regular fucking high school!
this is brother Tony Blinken starring in the Color Purple alongside brother Anderson Cooper and Sister Emma Sulkowicz
if you bitch and moan about "class first" socialist stuff you don't get to make fun of this
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